I was thrilled when my boss told me he was sending me to San Francisco for a conference. It was a location on my "Top 10 places I wanted to go". I went online and Googled the major attractions and tourist "must sees in San Francisco. The conference was Wednesday to Friday and I figured I would add a couple of days and tour this unique American city. Through the Google search, I found many cool things to do in San Francisco. By the end of the night I had made a list of twenty potential activities. As the week went on and I talked to a few colleagues who had been to the city already, I ended up with a lengthy list of must-to-sees, must-to-dos and must-to-eat-ats. It was a daunting list, and one I could never do in the amount of time I had. So more Google searches for reviews, and I finally had it narrowed down to a few choices. I ordered tickets for a musical "Beach Blanket Babylon" and, of course, a trip to Alcatraz. The rest I figured I would decide once I was there.
The first night there, after checking in, the bellhop recommended a blues bar that specialized in southern food. I love southern food, so I headed to the club. After getting lost once, I found the club and had a superb southern fried chicken supper. I stayed for an amazing blues show, staying way later than I had anticipated.
It was during the second evening that a long ignored fetish rekindled. I was at "Beach Blanket Babylon", a must-see show I was told (and I have to agree), when part way through I saw a guy in drag singing. Now I should note that I have a pantyhose fetish and, although I have ignored it since I got married, I was getting the urge to wear pantyhose again, something I had long denied myself.
When I was younger, I would often steal my Mom's pantyhose and wear them underneath my clothing. I briefly thought I may be gay because I liked to dress in pantyhose, but I liked chicks too much and back then no one was openly bi, so I eventually squelched my desire to wear pantyhose and moved on.