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The lover of Lisa

It wasn’t that hard making the change from friend to lover, and from lover to student of sensuality. Lisa made clear that I was to follow her directions, not that our relationship was predicated on that, but that
she was going to lead me to a new place in my life. She had been a friend for months and as of last night she had become my lover as well. The fact that she had born a man was lost on me, for I had only know her
as a woman and then, last night as the woman I had come to love. Her plumbing was not the issue, she was who she was, and that is who I had come to love first as a friend and now as a lover. She was mine, or
better yet, I was hers.

As for my wife, she had no idea what had happened when I had gone out
last night. She wanted the “open marriage” and she got what she wanted.
Now she wanted to separate, and she got that as well. When I took my few
personal belongings, it wasn’t clothes and such, it was the things that
meant the most to me at the moment, the things you would have grabbed if
there was a fire and you had but a few moments. I figured I could come
back for the other stuff later. My wife was looking for something more
fulfilling and I knew that there was no way that I could fulfill her any
more. Modern medicine had assured me of that when the cholesterol
medications created the ED. I hoped we would still be friends, but I
suspected that we wouldn’t when she found out what had become of me.
Open minded she was, but in this case I didn’t think that it would fly.
My goal in leaving quickly, in making a fast break after our
conversation was due to my desire to not have my future explored by her.
I could always go back and get the stuff I had left behind when I knew
we wouldn’t have to meet and talk. Maybe on Monday.

The first day, Saturday, was spent with Lisa and I setting up my role in
the house. She listed the tasks that she didn’t enjoy, and I offered to
take them up as my own. It was a choice. She didn’t say, “Do this!” but
I wanted to take over those things I could do and that she didn’t like
to do. So I did.

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