Free Stories

The Greatest Lie Part 6
In my rare moments of leisure in the weeks following my close encounter with death, I had had little opportunity to talk about it. Of course, the police had asked perfunctory questions, and I had testified at the coroner’s inquest, but until my next appointment with Dr. Erika Wright, I had not... Read full Story
The Greatest Lie Part 19
The booked me as Alex Rios and handed me an orange jump suit and slip-on boots. I changed in a tiny curtained alcove and relinquished my clothes, shoes and purse, and became Inmate 265743. The booking clerk ignored my pleading eyes, so I begged. "You can't put me into a male population. I... Read full Story
Hotel Humiliation
My world begins to fade back to from blackness. I'm very groggy and my vision is returning. I'm in a hotel room and my Mistress is standing in front of me. My head is still spinning as I try to understand my surroundings. I would say we have a lesbian relationship, except Mistress is a shemale, with... Read full Story
Chinese Extremes Part 6
If Lien had expected that life as one of Master's special slaves would be easier she was sadly mistaken. As one his chosen few she was expected to perform much, much better to all other slaves. This meant a much harder schedule than all the others had. When Lien had been a house-slave she had never ... Read full Story
The Conference
It had been a long day at the conference. During my evening meal in the hotel restaurant with some colleagues I noticed a stunning looking woman across the room. We met eyes on several occasions and acknowledged each other with a warm smile. She stood up to leave the restaurant and I was able ... Read full Story