Free Stories

Tout a commencé lorsque mes voisins ont pris de longues vacances d'hiver en Floride. Ils avaient un condo là-bas et avaient l'impression de vouloir faire une pause dans le froid du nord. Je suis Rich, un gars de 20 ans qui vivait à quelques portes d'eux. Je fréquentais un collège communa... Read full Story
Peter appréciait énormément la relation qu'il entretenait avec sa femme. Dès le début, elle avait pris les devants et il n'était que trop heureux de suivre. C'est Fiona qui a commencé à le draguer lorsqu'ils se sont rencontrés pour la première fois au mariage d'un ami, Fiona qui ... Read full Story
Le lycée n'était pas un endroit amusant pour moi. Étant plus un outsider geek, plus intéressé par la science, les ordinateurs et la culture pop associée à ces intérêts, cela signifiait que j'avais peu d'amis. Cela signifiait aussi que j'étais si loin de l'échelle sociale que je n... Read full Story
"Jess, Jess, j'ai besoin que tu m'aides à porter les courses." Jess gémit et, coupable, il souhaita que sa mère demande à quelqu'un d'autre de l'aider. Il voulait juste regarder toutes les autres filles sissy sur Twitter et obtenir son petit « excitation » dur. Il desc... Read full Story
J'étais étendu là, impuissant, terrifié et tremblant. Je me demandais comment j'allais expliquer cela non seulement à la sœur de ma femme, mais aussi à ma femme à qui elle le dirait inévitablement. Jennifer, la sœur de ma femme, se tenait sur le seuil de ma chambre. Son visage était rouge et... Read full Story
Je n'ai jamais vraiment compris pourquoi je ne semblais tout simplement pas m'intégrer. 22 ans, un récent diplômé du secondaire, une apparence décente. Juste douloureusement mince. La plupart des gars que je connaissais au lycée semblaient appartenir à une sorte de groupe. Athlète, érudit ou... Read full Story
Postuler à l'université a été l'une des choses les plus faciles à faire pour moi. J'ai décidé d'aller à l'université qui m'offrait le plus de bourses d'études et qui était loin de ma ville natale. Tout cela était facile jusqu'à ce que j'arrive à l'université. ... Read full Story
"Même moi, j'ai dû gronder ma fille pour avoir consulté un site de sexe sur Internet hier. Dommage, ça avait l'air plutôt intéressant. Mais même si elle a presque vingt ans, je ne pourrais vraiment pas lui dire maintenant, si." « Oh, qu'y avait-il de si intéressant là-dedans ? J'ai demandé. Vi... Read full Story
e me suis transformé en un fétiche de travestissement de poule mouillée de Tumblr à l'époque. J'avais l'habitude de m'habiller avec la lingerie de ma femme, de regarder sissy hypno, de discuter avec des hommes. Mais j'avais besoin de plus. Donc, comme "cadeau gag" parce que je n'étais pas du tout sé... Read full Story
Kristy a travaillé pour Le Matriarcat. Cela semblait plus officiel que ça ne l'était vraiment. Comme si c'était un "Nouvel Ordre Mondial". C'était en fait un club dirigé par des femmes spécialisées dans certains services que les hommes paient grassement. Cela pourrait être appelé prostitution selon ... Read full Story
« Merde ! ​​Qu'est-ce qui peut encore mal tourner ? » Je me suis demandé. "Je n'ai rien d'autre." Parlez du moment où les choses commencent à aller de mal en pis et où vous devez toucher le fond avant de pouvoir remonter. J'ai perdu mon emploi. La voiture a été reprise. L'assurance-emploi s'épuis... Read full Story
Je me souviens d'une époque plus simple, avant d'être ce que je suis maintenant. Malheureusement, je ne saurai jamais ce qui aurait pu être. Je ne pourrai jamais revenir en arrière. Je ne pourrai jamais revenir à ce qui était autrefois. C'était il y a seulement 2 ans. Je suis Harvey. J'étais à l'... Read full Story
J'étais sur le point de quitter le travail tôt quand mon téléphone a sonné. C'était l'un des administrateurs de l'école. Ils ont également été mes secrétaires. « M. Caldwell ? Un étudiant est ici pour vous voir. Non, je n'avais jamais vu cet étudiant auparavant. L'étudiant n'avait pas voulu décrire ... Read full Story
Je m'appelle Natalie mais ce n'est pas le nom avec lequel je suis née; c'est plutôt le nom que ma femme m'a donné quand elle a fait de moi sa "sœur" et sa poule mouillée cocu peu de temps après notre mariage. Mon vrai nom est Nathan mais c'est un nom que je préférerais ne plus jamais utiliser parce ... Read full Story
"Alors, tu as entendu parler de Laura, n'est-ce pas ?" La voix qui demandait était suffisamment aiguë pour être ennuyeuse en soi, sans ajouter le volume odieux qui était d'environ un demi-niveau trop élevé pour l'intérieur. Au lieu de cela, je gardai la bouche fermée et m'assis devant un plateau ... Read full Story
SPECIAL REVEAL I am in a very sensitive and delicate set of circumstances which have caused me to always have to walk a fine line regarding my private life, especially when it come to romantic and erotic matters. I have shared a few very special instances when I was fortunate enough to have a “s... Read full Story
House Guest
“Hello, baby,” the septuagenarian smiled. “Hi, Misses Pearson. I was just calling to say hi and tell you I got that job in Brennan!” “That’s wonderful,” she mused. “Bill!” “Huh,” the woman’s husband grunted. “Jenna got the job!” “That’s good,” he coughed and went back to watching his favorite t... Read full Story
Bottom Bitch
Let me set the scene. My name is Mike, as a "Gurl" I go by Fiona. I am a gay man, mid thrities, white, 5' 9' 165, reasonably handsome, both in and out of women's clothes. One of the ways I express my sexuality is to dress as a woman and get fucked by other men. Preferably in a humiliat... Read full Story
my fetish runs my life
I live in solitude, unable to cum out, a dresser drawer full of frilly, silken underwear, a well maintained soul patch and a limp cock, I need a dom so bad, a liv =e in, a pink room seclusion and conversion, fed female hormones, a cage to crush my shriveling cock, an enlarged, long butt plug that in... Read full Story
Have you ever been stuck in a lift with a pretty chick who later turns out to be a shemale? Well, it’s going to be a nice time, I assure you! Today was fucking damn day! It’s been one of ugliest days in my life. My company sent me, as a representative to take part in some high level f... Read full Story
Wild halloween night
First sorry everyone it’s been a several month since I been here was busy with my life. Anyway Halloween comes once a year and we all wear custom and I know personally lots of guys like to wear female custom. I am cross-dress and love Halloween, this Halloween was wild first ever wild Hallow... Read full Story
There's this street in the heart of town where I live that's looming with shemales at night. Sometimes my friends and I would just drive through, just to have a look at them, and boy are they ever hot! Some of them are better looking that the average woman! Anyway, one day I gathered the courage to ... Read full Story
My amazing Filipina girl
Today's post is not a usual ladyboy sex story that we all got used to, but something more romantic, down-to-earth and non-porn. Thanks British Buy for sharing this story and being so brave in making your fantasies real and finding your true love. I wasn't looking when I found her. I wasn't reall... Read full Story
How I became a ladyboy convert
Our friend Brian went to Thailand 3 years ago and had his first experience with a ladyboy details of which he would like to bring to Your attention now. He proudly tells he became a ladyboy convert after his first time and we have no doubt he did! On a trip to Thailand about 3 years ago I had my ... Read full Story
I will go back there!
Gotta thank our reader Amanda for this lovely ladyboy sex story. As an openly gay women I had heard so much about Katoeys in Thailand and that they were affectionate and prepared to do most things. I have to go to Bangkok on a marketing junket so decide to test the waters. The first bar I walked ... Read full Story
My second time with ladyboy Nan
If you like the idea of a girl going at it with a ladyboy and follow the ladyboy stories section of our blog for some time, you should remember the story about Thai ladyboy Nan that our reader Julia wrote. Well, this is her second report and I hope you enjoy it as much as the first one. This time... Read full Story
Smoking ladyboy in latex indulges my fantasies
Our reader, Matt J, have recently visited Pattaya and, as you can see from his story, it was a very fruitful visit! He had a petite ladyboy Lo spend a night with him during which he came countless times, and now he says he'll be coming back for more. Who wouldn't? ;) I recently indulged a few of ... Read full Story
Emily and Jane
I'm very proud and happy to publish another jewel today, a story about two shemales from 26-th century, Emily and Jane. Props for this truly delightful story to our forum member, Ila. Excellent work bro! It is the 26th century. Human genetics has advanced to the point where anyone born male or fe... Read full Story
Jane from Guess Bar
Again an awesome reader submitted story. One of our lucky readers says he had a great fuck with Ladyboy Jane. Was in BKK in Oct 07 looking for love in all the wrong places. In particular one sexy cum kitten called Jane from Guess bar, Sukhumvit soi 1. When i arrived i found a complex of beer bars... Read full Story
Well endowed ladyboy Yoko
Here's the second part of the story posted by our reader Tommy, and i'll tell you what, it's even hotter than the first one! I went back to Casanova some months later, hoping to see that well endowed ladyboy. She was dancing on stage - we made eye contact, she hopped down straightaway and we kiss... Read full Story
Got fucked by a Hawaiian shemale
This little nice story was posted at our blog today by a guy who calls himself "Shemale Horny". Enjoy reading. I was in the army stationed in Hawaii. My friend took me to a club down on Hotel st. We got a little buzzed but i remember there was some of the most beautiful women there or s... Read full Story
Ladyboy Fuck Show
Thai Kathoey Ladyboy Fuck Show in Patpong So last night my TG girlfriend and I went to Bangkok's Patpong prostitutions zone to see a fuck show. Instead of the "normal" sex show with old women shooting darts out of their twats, we asked the touts to take us to a ladyboy fucking show. ... Read full Story
My Filipina transsexual penpal
I too feel very attracted to Ladyboys, especially Asians. Since I started looking at the Ladyboy sites a part of me feels deperate to one day date, and maybe even be with a transsexual the rest of my life. I feel that I will never be sexually complete until I have finally had sex with an Asian Ladyb... Read full Story
Got dominated by 2 shemales on the last day in Thailand
I took a trip to Thailand when i was 25. I told my friends I wanted to go alone so I could clear my head. The real reason was that I wanted so see some shemales. When I first arrived I spent a day looking at every club I could find in search of a good Shemale. It was nearly a week and I couldn't ... Read full Story
Sexy Masturbation In Free Shemale Chat Rooms
Having had a long day at work and driving home enjoying the wonderful early fall sunset, I was starting to be kind of romantic… Maybe not that romantic, but I felt like having a nice girl next to me to cuddle and scoop with. The more I was thinking about cuddling and scooping, the needier I w... Read full Story
Shemale Video Galleries And A Cock To Bang
I arrived in Bangkok one early afternoon and I was ready to experience the thing the place was famous for. As soon as I checked in my hotel and got in my hotel room, I started searching for some hot encounter through shemale video galleries. They were all really pretty and promised a lot of fun. ... Read full Story