Free Stories

First Time Outdoor Festival Fantasy
Fantasy Setting: Summer time in the mountains of Colorado the perfect bluebird weekend we all dream of. The day before an underground rave in the mountains all my friends bail on the show and was now left with either not going or going solo. Well I deiced what the hell and I'll go solo an... Read full Story
Mi primera vez
Esta historia la he guardado mucho tiempo, pero la recuerdo como si hubiera sido ayer. Sucedió cuando apenas tenia 10 años, pero fue el momento más erótico de mi vida. En aquella ocasión y como ya era costumbre mi primo se quedaba a dormir en mi casa jugando juegos de video hasta muy tarde. El... Read full Story
sex-slave in bondage in offer to Mistress & Trans for sadomaso
Vuoi essere il mio padrone? Sono pronta a stare NUDA E LEGATA a tua disposizione per subire lunghe e ripetute punizioni sadomaso, compresa la possibilità di essere ritratta, e costretta a esibirmi tutta eccitata fino all'esasperazione... E per avermi così a fondo sedotta venendo crudelm... Read full Story
en el cine
un día x en concepción, Chile. andaba solo y pase a un cine porno , pague mi entrada y ne dirigí al segundo nivel le película esta buena le estaban dando a una mujer entre dos y eso me calentó mucho y partí al baño a masturbarme en eso cuando estaba yo corriéndome la paja veo que en el baño del lad... Read full Story
la mia prima gang-bang
sono stata coinvolta a mia insaputa in una gang-bang...continuano le mie uscite con il tipo sposato come sempre nei fine settimana....mi preparo come di solito: doccia,[igiene intima...vado in camera apro l'armadio e scelgo un vestito aderente di lana bianco con collo alto con risvolto. ... Read full Story
domingo, 5 de febrero de 2017 RAQUEL Hoy quiero hablar de un día muy importante mi vida. El día que conocí a Raquel. Estaba en casa leyendo el periódico y, como siempre, miré la sección de anuncios por palabras para ver si había algún trabajo interesante, de pronto me encontré que, en la secció... Read full Story
Lady In The House Ch. 05
A story by MicheleNylons (Crossdressed prisoner is forced into prostitution.) From Part IV Then Eddie looked down at my body and noticed the semen pooled at the front of my panties. My semen! He looked down at his tight belly and saw a slimy stain that was the result of my ejaculate spread th... Read full Story
Hola a todos!!! Soy Rosario, tengo 22 años, soy una chica transexual, absolutamente pasiva y muy femenina. Mi proceso de transformación, mi período de transición de chico a chica, duró tres años y; les confieso, que valió la pena tanto trabajo, el esfuerzo, la perseverancia y mi deseo ferviente acom... Read full Story
Rebeca, mi primita transexual
Dice un dicho popular: "al final todo queda en familia..." La historia que les voy a contar es muy interesante, excitante y movilizadora, ya que los protagonistas somos parientes. Se trata de una noche loca, desenfrenada, apasionada, y de muchísimo sexo entre Rebeca y yo. Rebeca es una prima segund... Read full Story
Mi primera vez con un anciano
Hola chicos!!! Soy Daniela; tengo 21 años; soy transexual y; muy adicta al sexo. Me fascina, me encanta ser follada, ya que soy cien por ciento pasiva. Soy de mediana estatura, flaca, tetas medianas, mi pene es muy pequeño, soy de piel blanca, ojos marrones claros y pelo lacio largo color castaño. T... Read full Story
Mi primera vez
Yo antes frecuentaba mucho a un amigo, pasábamos muchas tardes juntos, veíamos películas, tomábamos juntos, hablábamos todo el tiempo, nos teníamos muchísima confianza. Recuerdo una ocasión que estábamos en su cuarto viendo una peli y tomando algunas copas, nos pusimos un tanto borrachos y yo me ... Read full Story
“Cógeme amor mio”
Hoy quiero que me hagas el amor sin prisas, con besos y caricias, quiero sentirme linda deseada y especial en tus brazos, quiero que me beses con besitos cortos y juguetones mientras me acaricias por encima de la ropa, quiero sentir tu cuerpo junto al mío, quiero acariciar tu pecho mientras tu acari... Read full Story
Era verano, y acababa de terminar el colegio y salí a dar una vuelta por la plaza, era una mañana calurosa, me senté bajo la campiña un buen tiempo haciendo hora, y entonces oigo una voz poco común que se dirige hacia mí, era un caballero de nacionalidad chilena, lo note por la voz, de 30 años aprox... Read full Story
Me encanta ser mujer.
Me gusta verme y sentirme mujer. Me encantan las prendas femeninas y de encajes, los vestidos de tela suave y ligera, la medias veladas, los sostén de encajes, las ropas interior delicadas y de encajes, me gusta maquillarme y pintar ,os labios, me encantan los aretes grandes y con pendientes, los ... Read full Story
Latex succubus
The lights of the city obscured the supposedly brilliant starlight in the night sky, leaving only dim and scattered scattered stars adorning the gloomy night sky half-covered by dark clouds, and the crescent-like crescent moon guarding it in the distance makes the night seem less empty Lonely. Mayb... Read full Story
La Entrevista (trabajo de mesera)
LA ENTREVISTA (Trabajo de Mesera) Esta historia es una gran fantasía que tuve por años, pero que ahora aunque a medias es una realidad. Krystal, una de las chicas que me ayuda con el maquillaje, varias veces me había hecho el comentario de que en el bar donde ella actuaba, necesitaban a una chi... Read full Story
"Avez-vous pris votre vitamine, ma chère ?" Ellen a appelé de la salle de bain. Je me frottai le sommeil des yeux et ramassai le flacon de pilule, roulant un gros comprimé dans ma paume. "Ma pilule de cheval ? Je le fais maintenant." "Avez-vous déjà remarqué une différence ?" "Non. Les vitamines ... Read full Story
Se vino dos veces dentro de mi.
Lo vi en un video porno. Le hacia el amor a una nena transexual. Recuerdo que varias veces me masturbe sola en mi cama imaginando a ese hombre haciéndome el amor a mi. El es un hombre muy acuerpado y musculoso, bien varonil. Todo un semental. Su enorme verga, blanca y venosa con una cabezota ro... Read full Story
Alex se réveilla en sursaut. Il regarda son réveil et nota avec chagrin qu'il était 6h30, une bonne heure avant que son alarme ne soit censée sonner. Il détestait quand cela arrivait. Il avait de nouveau fait le cauchemar. Celui où le directeur de l'école l'a forcé à porter de la lingerie maigre, un... Read full Story
Lettera a Cristina (bocca di rosa)
Beh, e' bene che tu lo sappia. Ero io quel 40enne che hai incontrato in metro'. Avevo, per la precisione, 39 anni e 10 mesi. E, ti sbagli, non stavo scrivendo proprio a nessuno, cercavo solo l'applicazione della telecamera per riprenderti con un filmino o scattarti delle foto per averti anche dopo... Read full Story
Giorgia e Helena esibite alla cena in villa
(storia di fantasia) Io e la mia amica Giorgia siamo due traveste molto effemminate, curiamo molto i nostri corpi e appariamo come femminucce sotto ogni aspetto ad eccezione delle nostre cazzette che sono praticamente sempre passive. Siamo ninfomani e completamente arse dal desiderio del sesso. Ci ... Read full Story
Unas notas excelentes, el primero de la promoción. Me sentía completamente feliz tras haber finalizado mi máster y tener sobre la mesa una oferta de trabajo de una de las firmas de consultoría más reputadas a nivel mundial. Sin dudarlo, firmé el contrato. Nada menos que asistente de uno de los socio... Read full Story
Una chica desconicida
Conocí a una chica, por una aplicación. Chateamos durante días, y finalmente quedamos en encontrarnos. Sería un sábado, por la tarde, en el centro. Buenos Aires es una ciudad, que tiene demasiado tránsito, sobre todo un sábado por la tarde, y en el centro. Así que decidí ir en subte. Subí, me ... Read full Story
Una chica descocidoa Mia
En la primera parte, conté como había conocido a Mia. Tuvimos sexo, y nos quedamos dormidos. Al día siguiente, desperté solo. Me puse mi bóxer, y Sali del dormitorio. Sentí aroma a desayuno, y me dirigí a la cocina. Mia: buen díaaaa…. Tenía puesto un short de jean, un buzo corto, que dejaba... Read full Story
Constanza, mi papita
Estuve casi tres años trabajando en el extranjero, primero en la veraniega Sebastopol y después (y por mucho más tiempo) en San Petersburgo, en esencia como traductor-consultor legal, aunque, en la práctica, como intérprete, enlace, representante y hasta promotor empresarial o lo que fuera que la em... Read full Story
Ma femme, Jill, était à Denver pendant douze jours pour assister à un séminaire médical pour les chirurgiens plasticiens et ne devait pas revenir avant quelques jours. En raison de son travail, elle assiste à plusieurs séminaires, à l'intérieur et à l'extérieur de l'État, parfois un jour ou plusieur... Read full Story
A Ski Bunny is Born Chapter 4
Our next port of call was Copenhagen (Denmark!). We left London early one wet afternoon and flew across to Denmark's capital, which was also wet! The flight was relatively short and when we arrived we caught a taxi to our city center hotel. We had 5 full days here and were intending to enjoy each on... Read full Story
J'ai toujours aimé la lingerie féminine. De regarder des catalogues à voir des copines le porter, j'ai adoré le look et la sensation de la lingerie sexy et soyeuse, mais pour moi, cela a toujours été plus profond. À 18 ans, j'ai essayé ma première paire de culottes, oh mon Dieu, c'était merveilleux ... Read full Story
Je m'appelle Layton McGuire. Quand j'avais 22 ans, je vivais à New York et je partageais un très petit appartement à loyer contrôlé à Greenwich Village avec deux autres colocataires pendant que nous fréquentions le City College (qui est un vrai collège, pas seulement un nom générique, cherch... Read full Story
"Daadddd, est-ce qu'on doit vraiment faire ça ?" ma fille pleurnichait. "Je suis aussi mécontent que toi, Tracy, mais je ne pouvais pas dire non. Tu es stagiaire dans leur magazine l'été prochain, tu te souviens ? Un bon tour en mérite un autre." Elle m'a juste fait la moue. Tracy est une étud... Read full Story
💞 DIANA 💞 Merde! Je pensais. Oh putain ! Enculer ! Merde et putain d'explosion ! J'étais là, un homme marié et heureux, debout dans une robe. Une vraie robe de femme. Et j'ai aimé ça. J'aime vraiment ça. C'était putain de merveilleux ! "Oh," dis-je. ... Read full Story
The Wonderful Adventures of Miss K
Miss K sat near her bedroom window in her pink silk robe, staring off into the late morning skyline in the distance while she held a cup of hot chocolate in one hand and ran the other through her waist length bleached blonde permed hair. The indirect sunlight lent the dark chocolate skin on her sili... Read full Story
Debbie Part 7
As Debbie was led into Dr. Jacobsen's office, she saw that Mistress was already there waiting for her. "Your property Miss Chamberlain", the doctor proclaimed, indicating Debbie. Debbie's heart began to flutter with love and submissive fantasies as she saw Mistress. Mistress was dressed in... Read full Story
M Is for Mandi
That night, that Friday, had been highlighted on the kitchen calendar for weeks, though my wife didn't know the reason why. OK, so she was off to her sister's for the night and that was why she'd underlined it to start with. But I had other reasons. Since Sarah had turned forty she'd not gone out... Read full Story
Catching Up
It was with mixed emotions that I listened to the message on my voice mail. It was the familiar sound of Mark, a long time friend whose call I had missed earlier that afternoon. Now as I heard it, for the third time, I felt my stomach slowly relax from the uneasy twist that had taken hold the minute... Read full Story
A Revenge Fuck
It had been a long day. I had fought the traffic after a miserable week to get home early and surprise my wife for what was to be a romantic weekend. But as I pulled up to the house my heart sank. I saw a bright red motorcycle in the drive way and something inside told me, "This isn't right!&qu... Read full Story
Catching Up
It was with mixed emotions that I listened to the message on my voice mail. It was the familiar sound of Mark, a long time friend whose call I had missed earlier that afternoon. Now as I heard it, for the third time, I felt my stomach slowly relax from the uneasy twist that had taken hold the minute... Read full Story
Amatuer Strip Night Chapter 2
Sasha stood in her bra and panties looking nervously out over the crowd at the topless strip club. She shuffled her feet and looked down, her blonde hair covering her face and she wondered to herself if coming back out onto the floor had been a good idea at all. Sasha had just won first place at ... Read full Story
Very Impatient on a sex fanstay
Are you ready for this Mish?" "Not really but it's too late to back out now." I stood in a dark alley before a metal door shaking with both anxiety and the cold, waiting for the door slot to open and for the night to begin. I wouldn't admit it to my friend Simone but secretly I hoped we would ... Read full Story
Il a finalement pris rendez-vous chez les médecins pour l'examen de la prostate. Sa femme le harcelait depuis des jours, après qu'un de leurs amis eut récemment reçu un diagnostic de cancer de la prostate. En entrant chez les médecins, il a dit qu'il était ici pour un examen réservé p... Read full Story
J'étais assis dans mon appartement à New York en train de boire quelques bières en m'apitoyant sur moi-même après avoir été largué par ma copine d'université quand j'ai reçu un appel d'un vieil ami de lycée me convainquant d'assister à notre réunion de lycée de 5 ans dans un ... Read full Story
Alessia Travestita’s Adventures – Game, Set and Match
Chapter 1 – A chance meeting? Alessia sipped her double-espresso slowly, savouring the strong flavour and the sweet aroma as she gazed absent-mindedly out of the window, watching the passers-by on the walkway outside the coffee shop. It was approaching mid-day so she had chosen to sit inside out of... Read full Story
Sweet Encore
I was alone tonight and feeling just a bit paranoid as I listened to the soft music. The soothing sounds put me in a seductive mood, but It seemed that all my lovers were too busy for me, or they had other plans. Uncle Barney and my detective were probably home being dutiful husbands. Bo was under h... Read full Story
Vicky Part 1
"Dear Sir, We recognize you as a person of discerning taste. We would therefore would like to invite you to a display we believe you would find most enjoyable." What followed was an address and a date, one week away. My name and address were correct, but I didn't have a clue what they w... Read full Story
I am Baaack! Part 12
Dainie and Joan stood on the Adams Street sidewalk that ran in front of the Sears Tower, watching as the limo that had brought Dainie sped away with Rose inside it. Joan thought Dainie appeared very nervous to see her mommy driving away, but Rose had told Dainie that she, Dr. Joan, was in charge and... Read full Story
I am Baaack! Part 13
As Joan, Robbie, and Dainie were ascending the stairs inside the Whip and Cuff, Edwina Porter and Louise Edwards were approaching the back door, having gotten off a bus on Michigan Avenue and Touhy and made their way through back alleys. Barbara, in the cab in front of the club's Fargo Street entran... Read full Story
A Trans-Lesbian Montreal Love Affair!
St. Catherine’s Street in downtown Montreal is one of the world’s most vibrant streets and entertainment corridors. Known for its energetic, exciting and often crowded venues, it is lined with quality restaurants, theatres and many popular nightclub establishments. St. Catherine’s ... Read full Story
Emily and Steve Part 1
As I pulled my cock out of Emily's ass and shot my load onto her flat stomach, where my cum mixed with the load the beautiful blonde cross-dresser had just shot from her throbbing cock a moment before, I thought to myself that work was suddenly going to be a lot more fun. My name is Steve and I w... Read full Story
Dark Temptation
Ella's body glistened with perspiration as she twirled and spun her lithe body on the dance floor, loving the way the beat of the music thumped around her. The twenty-one year old loved Brighton's laid back, hippy, music generated atmosphere and long ago had fallen into dancing until the sun came up... Read full Story
My TV Sex Adventures Hot time in the Gurl&#
After sucking off the custodian of the offices next door I went back to the club. I was seriously disappointed. I loved how big and hard his dick was and I really wanted a serious cock like his to fuck. I got back into the club with only a knowing grin and a chuckle from the guy at the door. He was... Read full Story
Darling Nikki
Chapter 1 - The Setup "I'm going to catch him!" Samantha thought to herself as she looked at her disheveled panty drawer. She now had proof that her roommate, Nick, had been wearing her clothes, but had to catch him in the act. She did a search online for ideas on how to catch him. She ... Read full Story
A Very Hard Working Girl
I jump around a lot when I tell my story. I don't always tell it in the order that it happened. But I do tell my story accurately. It's all me. I write from experience, love to share the dirty little kinky things I do. There is no moral to the story, no ending. I just like to write about the things ... Read full Story
Office Policy
“Ok ladies and gentleman, please put your hands together for the beautiful and talented Erika!” the DJ’s voice rang out over the thumping alternative beat as the object of my lust strutted to the stage. Erika’s saucy red curls bounced on her head and on her soft porcelain whi... Read full Story
Woman Cross Dresses for Power & Sex
Tucked in the far corner of a dark, dancehall parking lot, Sarah, also known as Robert, was having sex in a car with Joseph, also known as Josephine. Having sex in a car was no big deal. A lot of couples have sex in cars. Yet, if a passerby could see through the steamy windows, a sight to behold, ev... Read full Story
My mother told me never to take a girl into an alley at night. She went on about how dangerous they were, with strangers lurking in dark doorways waiting to do horrible things to the people who wander in alleys. Alleys can be dark, imposing and dirty especially in the city. I spent my youth avoiding... Read full Story
Miss Bernie
My name is Bernice McDonald and I am the very happy owner/ operator of a couple of children's day-care centers. I love my life and I love this work. I love children and since I have one of my own this helps satisfy my need to nurture. I have not always felt or recognized this need. I was born in... Read full Story