Free Stories

Mis inicios como Ayline
Pues me presento, mi nombre es Ayline Julieta soy de la Ciudad de México, actualmente tengo 34 años y no tengo mucha experiencia, pero ya tuve mi primera vez y deseo platicarles como fue, espero sus comentarios y críticas constructivas. Iniciare como muchas de nosotras contándoles como me inicie ... Read full Story
Mi primera vez
Pues me presento, mi nombre es Ayline Julieta soy de Coacalco en el Estado de México, actualmente tengo 34 años y no tengo mucha experiencia, pero ya tuve mi primera vez y deseo platicarles como fue, espero sus comentarios y críticas constructivas. Iniciare como muchas de nosotras contándoles com... Read full Story
Mi aventura brasileña
Por obligaciones profesionales viajo con frecuencia a Brasil, donde la empresa donde trabajo esta construyendo una importante infraestructura marina. En algunas ocasiones cuando terminamos la jornada salimos a cenar algunos compañeros y habitualmente nos hace de cicerone Joao, un joven ingeniero bra... Read full Story
la storia di Sara
Erano alcune settimane che ciattavo con Sara, una trans bolognese conosciuta per caso in internet. Di Sara ho visto solo il bel viso molto femminile con lunghi capelli biondi ed il suo meraviglioso seno. Una sera stavamo parlando e lei mi disse " alcuni mesi fa mi sono rifatta il seno, ho conosciut... Read full Story
El nacimiento de una niña
Hola les relato parte de mi vida de cómo comencé a ser mujer espero les guste. Recuerdo que cuando yo tenia unos 6 años mi hermana y una prima estaban en el cuarto platicando y pintándose y midiéndose ropa lo cual para mi verlas asi no fue del otro mundo lo que me llamo la atención fue que decian q... Read full Story
She Loves Dirty Talk Too
Sexy TS Girl: Hiii! How are you? Thanks for being my new friend. I have so much love forssz you, my friend. Don't hesitate to like and comment one or two photos of me that you like. We can also chat... Love, love, love you, sexy man. HardRock: I really enjoyed looking at your galleries.... Read full Story
La heredera 3
Si habéis leí­do los relatos anteriores sabréis que tras una fiesta de la empresa me lié con la hija del director y ya en su cama me enteré de que tení­a una sorpresa entre las piernas. Tras pasar parte del fin de semana con ella llegaba el lunes y nos verí­amos en el trabajo. Version para imprimir... Read full Story
La heredera 4 (penúltimo)
Esta historia es continuación de las tres anteriores del mismo titulo. A modo de resumen decir que me lie con la hija del dueño de le empresa que resulto tener una sorpresa entre sus piernas. Version para imprimir Esta historia es continuación de las tres anteriores del mismo titulo. A modo de res... Read full Story
Superstar fun - an evening to remember!
Starting with a little history, let me say that I started getting into tranny fun back around 1990. I went on a visit to New York and had always been an avid reader of Screw magazine/ newspaper. Before the Internet was in full-bloom it was distributed nationally to all cities around the country and ... Read full Story
La Señora de la casa te la va a meter todita
Tras mi estancia en varias ciudades y, aunque tengo mi grupo de amigas, a veces necesito desconectar. Para ello suelo perderme durante una o varias semanas por casas aisladas, de turismo rural en su mayoría. Siempre busco casitas con encanto, para disfrutar de mi retiro como es debido...con pisci... Read full Story
Marido grosero pero bien follado
Mxxxxa es una de mis amigas de mayor confianza, Ella es algo gipi en lo que a sus pensamientos, si bien nunca ha llamado la atención en su forma de vestir, peinarse, etc.... Ha sido siempre liberal y a pesar de tener un carácter marcado nunca ha exagerado o formado escándalos en público y demás. ... Read full Story
Parcheggio Tir (ITA)
10/7/2016 Era una domenica sera,ed avendo poi il lunedi' libero,avevo deciso di farmi un'uscita serale,a caccia di cazzi che vogliano divertirsi. Cosi' mi ritrovo alle dieci e mezza di sera apoggiata al cofano della mia auto,a fumarmi una sigaretta annoiata. Il parcheggio di cami... Read full Story
Sissy Amante de la Lencería
HOMBRE AMANTE DE LA LENCERÍA Tengo 60 años y estoy casado. Llevo muchos años usando ropa interior femenina. Me encanta la sensación del nylon sedoso en mi cuerpo. También duermo con un largo camisón de satén todas las noches. Me siento muy cómodo llevando mi lencería femenin... Read full Story
Mi primera vez de travesti con mi novia
¡Hola a tod@s! ¡De nuevo estoy aquí contándoles una nueva aventura con mi novia y como cada vez me vuelvo mas nena! Bueno, les voy a contar la primera vez que me vestí con ella y tuvimos sexo como niñas.... mmmmm.... ¡delicioso! Después de enseñarle mis fotos mas lindas, vestida de nena lin... Read full Story
Nunca se Olvida
He tenido la oportunidad de tener sexo con varios hombres, algunos mayores que yo y otros muy chicos, no me fijo en estereotipos o personalidad, solo me gusta disfrutar del sexo..... Pero siempre hay uno que te deja enamorado, Daniel su nombre una persona que conocí por medio de un chat. No pas... Read full Story
La trasformazione di una sissy parte 1
Ricordo ancora come se fosse oggi la prima volta che conobbi Franco, non so nemmeno io come ma quella sera in cui mia moglie si trovava di turno notturno mi sentivo particolarmente eccitato. La lettura di un libro particolarmente coinvolgente si era impossessata di me. Molte volte mi chiesi se davve... Read full Story
La festa di iniziazione
Venerdì Paola mi chiama al telefono " domani sera andiamo ad una festa, una festa un po'particolar, mettiti carina, sexy ma elegante!" Sabato sera torno da lavoro il più velocemente possibile, eh si, lavoro anche il sabato! Mi rado il viso più a fondo che riesco e proseguo anche sulla ricrescita ... Read full Story
Vacaciones en Roma
Cómo una escapada de vacaciones que parecía ser aburrida consigue ser una maravillosa aventura. Version para imprimir Después de mi separación lo que más me apetecía era viajar, alejarme de mi entorno que me traía los malos recuerdos de los años vividos con Nuria, mi ex-pareja. Buscando viajes enc... Read full Story
Un hombre heterosexual sexual disfruta de una noche distinta
. Nunca hubiera esperado que me pasara lo que me pasó, yo siempre me he considerado heterosexual y nunca me había planteado tener sexo más que con mujeres. La verdad es que estuve con 2 mujeres que eran muy especiales. Todo comenzó en un viaje de trabajo, me encontraba yo tratando de cerrar un... Read full Story
La Mujer Trans más feliz del mundo.
- Porfavor, no pares Gaby! - Le gritaba yo, completamente llena de placer, mientras a 4 patas aguantaba sus grandes embestidas, a la par que mis grandes tetas chocaban entre sí. - Ya casi me voy a venir Juanita! - Dijo ella, mientras trás de mi daba todo de si para hacerme sentir en el paraiso, s... Read full Story
The Secret Manor of Lusting Intersexual Ts.Ladys as they enforce males into there training house all too become wimpering shemale sexslaves! I met a Lady once at Bar too which she was very sexy Lady as we had some fun now n then as too get too know each other I slowly tranformed myself into her E... Read full Story
Having sex with a shemale for the first time
Well i had been curious about having sex with a TS for awhile, after looking in the local paper at the personal ads there was one advertising, so i got up the never and rang the number and arranged a meeting with her. When i got to the address she opened the door, she was in her late thir... Read full Story
World of Confusion
I first fell in love with transexuals when i first stumbled on a video called world of confusion, at first i was like oh yeah! this is gonna be a good porn one guy and three girls awesome, so then at first the guy is jerking off then all of a sudden these three females come out i was like about time... Read full Story
My first shemale
This is the story of my first she male. I had always been curious about dicks. I had always been attracted to women and I loved to watch a woman get pounded by a big cock. But after awhile I realized that when I tried to imagine the porno, I always imagined myself in place of the girl. One day, when... Read full Story
F Is for Fiona
I drove into the store car park. Stopped in my usual place, the one which said 'MAN' in bold letters on the tarmac, short for manager of course. Just for a moment I shivered despite the warm spring weather, this was honestly the first time the incongruity of that label struck me. I pulled on the ... Read full Story
CD And Trucker
At least four things went through my mind the moment I heard Hank ask me to go along with him. - One my wife was gone for at least 2 weeks so that was no problem. - Two, with wireless connection and my laptop I could take my job on the road. - Three, I had hardly any clothes in my bag that I was ... Read full Story
Fulfilling fantasies
What seems like a long time ago in my early teenage years, I found myself being somewhat addicted to watching porn. Every opportunity I got I was at the computer watching porn of all different flavours, and for a while I found myself really enjoying lesbian porn. So one day as I was watching a video... Read full Story
My first Escort girl
I was in my early thirties. I had just out of a relationship that ended very brutally. I was hurt for several years as I took it difficult. It was at this time, already having had my first sexual experience with a Crossdresser/Ts when drunk and still thinking of that experience that I decide... Read full Story
Amo la Humillación de Ser Marica
AMO LA HUMILLACIÓN DE SER MARICA  SOY MARICA. Porque ser marica me permite tener el mayor efecto positivo sobre mí y todos los que me rodean.  SOY MARICA. Cada día que vivo como mariquita, confirmo mi humildad a través de la humillación.  SOY MARICA. La humillación no es algo anormal para lo... Read full Story
Mi primo y yo (2da parte (historia con mi vecino))
Bueno ahora toca el turno a la historia que les prometí con mi vecino. Recuerdo bien que todo comenzo un dia que mi primo y yo estábamos solos en mi casa como de costumbre por uno de los tantos viajes de mi familia, ese día me arregle super linda para mi hombre pues había comprado un conjunto de ... Read full Story
Trasformazione: Diventare Una Cagna
Come mi sono trasformato o meglio, come mi hanno trasformato in una femminuccia succhiacazzi, beh, è una storia complicata. Già da ragazzo, appena superata la pubertà, sentivo dentro di me il desiderio di strofinarmi contro il cazzo duro di qualcuno, di baciare con la lingua qualche mio professore d... Read full Story
Cogiendo con travesti
Hola, soy de Colombia. Siempre he sentido pasión y deseos por las travestis y me encanta su sensualidad y lo femenina que se ven.. Siempre soñaba con estar con una bella travesti hasta que se me dio la oportunidad. Conducía mi moto una noche y de repente en la calle, en un anden, vi a una voluptu... Read full Story
Ho incontrato una Dea
Era una tiepida sera di primavera, erano da poco passate le 8 di sera ed io avevo già cenato, era tutto il giorno che mi sentivo eccitata e la voglia aumentava dentro di me, volevo divertirmi un po' con i miei giocattoli anali, però era troppo presto, la serata era troppo bella ed invitante per rima... Read full Story
Mi nombre es Nikita y soy una chica traviesa,… ¿o debería decir creo que soy una chica traviesa? El hecho es que soy un bonito chico de 23 años. Sé que debería haber sido una chica y seguro que mi cuerpo y mi rostro son muy afeminados. Por lo tanto, no es una gran sorpresa enterarse de que me encant... Read full Story
Le due socie
Sono stato invitato da un mio fornitore alla presentazione di un nuovo prodotto, l'incontro mi terrà impegnato solamente il sabato pomeriggio e la domenica mattina e si svolgerà in una località non molto lontana da dove abito, decido di andare. L'hotel è una antica villa in mezzo alle montagne, un... Read full Story
Paola, una nuova amica
Ho conosciuto Paola sulla chat di questo sito, dopo alcune sere passate a chattare assieme ci siamo accorte che abitavamo nella stessa città. Decidiamo di incontrarci, Paola mi aspetta a casa sua. La sera dopo mi reco da lei, mi aspetta, profumatissima, indossa una lunga vestaglia bianca, i lunghi ... Read full Story
Mi amiga no se imagina lo que su marido y yo hacemos. Ella y yo seguimos siendo amigas, pero compartimos el mismo hombre y ella no lo sabe. Yo soy la que le apaga el fuego a su hombre; a ella no le gusta que la penetre por atras, mientras que a mi me encanta sentirla toda. En la cama somos do... Read full Story
Jaime n'avait jamais eu beaucoup de chance avec les filles du lycée. C'était venu et reparti, et maintenant il en profitait un l'été dernier avant de partir à l'université avec sa virginité intacte. Ce n'était pas vraiment sa faute, il n'était pas un crétin ou un crétin, c'est juste que la vie et la... Read full Story
Jaime n'avait jamais eu beaucoup de chance avec les filles du lycée. C'était venu et reparti, et maintenant il en profitait un l'été dernier avant de partir à l'université avec sa virginité intacte. Ce n'était pas vraiment sa faute, il n'était pas un crétin ou un crétin, c'est juste que la vie et la... Read full Story
Jaime n'avait jamais eu beaucoup de chance avec les filles au lycée. C'était venu et reparti, et maintenant il profitait d'un dernier été avant de partir à l'université avec sa virginité intacte. Ce n'était pas vraiment sa faute, il n'était pas un salaud ou un douchebag, c... Read full Story
IL MIO PRIMO BOCCHINO Domenica scorsa, approfittando di quel poco di libertà che ci rimane, sono andato a trovare una zia e mio cugino un po' più grande di me con gli anni. Sono stato invitato a rimanere a pranzo da loro, dato che abito da solo ho accettato. Finito il pranzo, mia zia e mio cugino... Read full Story
Cuando descubrí que me encantaba vestirme de mujer, la verdad no supe que hacer, no solo era una fantasía, era lo que quería desde muy dentro de mí, fue un shock muy grande, del porque siendo hombre me encantaba vestirme de mujer..comprendí que no era normal al promedio de los hombres, porque siendo... Read full Story
Shemales in Barcelona
Due to my job, I had the opportunity to travel a lot. Once I had to travel to Barcelona and the complexity of the meetings required that I had to stay there for about 2 weeks for consultations with customers. After long working hours, normally we went for a nice dinner (nothing better than begin the... Read full Story
Being with a tgirl - real life story
I have had the pleasure of being with one tgirl in a LTR for close to 4 years. I really loved her and wanted to spend the rest of my days with her. She had different ideas for herself than I had, I loved that she had a cock and we could fuck and suck each other. She opted for SRS and I supported... Read full Story
Night With Shana
This meeting took place in Los Angeles, CA. I’m sure many of you are into shemale porn movies and will know who Shana is. For those of you who don’t know her, she is a gorgeous white shemale with long brown/blondish hair, big tits ( think there is some silicone in there — but who... Read full Story
Me and a transvestite man
This isn't a 'story' at all, in the sense that it really happened. I just thought I'd share my experience with you; perhaps you'd care to comment if you enjoyed it, found it sexy, or want to know more. There isn't a 'transvestite' niche on xHamster, so this is filed rather awkwardly under 'Shemal... Read full Story
My afternoon getting some (true story) BB creampie
It was a Sunday afternoon and I was emailing with a guy I just met on craigs list. I was having a few drinks while starting to get in the mood. We exchanged phone numbers had a little chit chat on the phone, he told me he was straight but always wanted to experience a TS. Well this is the type t... Read full Story
Dear Diary
It's now been one year since mother passed away. I still miss her terribly and think of her each day. I also feel ashamed at times when I just wish she were still here to protect me from father and to intervene. His hate for me seems to grow each day and he told me the day I turn eighteen I will be ... Read full Story
My First Time
I have a few stories of meeting TS girls, this is of my first experience. So this happened a few years ago and I was really interested in meeting a TS. I kept trying to meet one with no luck, then one fine day I meet this super sexy Asian goddess. This was my first time and I was nervous. We go t... Read full Story
Transsexual Heaven
I grew up in a small town, about an hour north of New York City. I had spent lots of time with Playboy and Penthouse magazine, but was not really active sexually through my teens or college years. I mean, I had steady girlfriends, and had sex, but I wasn't a Casanova type, chasing a different wo... Read full Story
The Greatest Lie Part 12
My Own Worst Enemy Let’s face facts. The so-called the "War On Drugs," "Just Say No," and all the other anti-drug campaigns are complete failures because they ignore reality: getting high is fun. College students drink and take drugs to break a boring routine; the poo... Read full Story
The Greatest Lie Part 17
They say that life is about making choices. But we humans don't get to choose the two most important factors in our lives. We don't get to choose our genes, so I got stuck with XY chromosomes. And we don't get to choose our natal families, so I got stuck with my mother and father. My father, Edua... Read full Story
The Greatest Lie Part 18
They say that prostitution is the oldest profession. I disagree. Some guy must have been a professional hunter to have gotten together the spare change to pay for that first commercial fuck. It's like that chicken and egg conundrum. Eggs definitely came first. Just as mutation precedes evolution, th... Read full Story
Danielle's First Time
Danielle was born in the winter to 1976, but she was born a male by the name of Daniel. Daniel looked like a normal male child aside from liking girly things. Whenever Daniel would play dress-up he'd always dress in his mother's or his aunt's clothes and his parents thought that was cute until Danie... Read full Story
Am I Still A Virgin??
I'm a middle-aged, married, bisexual, semi-passable CD (I hate the words 'non-passable'). I've dressed for a few years, but for a multitude of reasons have never had anal sex. I saw an ad in Craigslist (CL) that seemed perfect for me. It ran in their Casual Encounters "m4t" section (T mean... Read full Story