Free Stories

Rene and Me Part 2
Last time I revealed some background information about myself and how I came to be a high priced whore. I also filled in some of blanks concerning my first encounter with Rene. I don't recall if I mentioned it or not but there were roughly twenty more mysterious encounters with Rene. He always sen... Read full Story
Discovering Amber
I have always enjoyed women's lingerie. From looking at catalogs to seeing girlfriends wearing it I have loved the look and feel of sexy, silky lingerie but for me it has always gone deeper. At 18 I tried on my first set of panties, oh my God that was wonderful! It was all downhill from there. Event... Read full Story
Discovering Amber Chapter 2
My life is a never ending cycle of tease and denial since I was discovered by Ms. Allison. When I wake in the morning I am curled up in bed with Ms. Allison's naked body while I am dressed in a satin nightgown. I slip out of bed and walk to the guest bathroom where I have to lift up the long nightgo... Read full Story
Dream Date
Who would have thought it; I was reduced to finding a partner on the Internet? I had read about these dating web sites and though dubious I found one, completed my details and waited. A few days went by and I heard nothing. I waited a few weeks and still I heard nothing. I turned to an old girlfrien... Read full Story
Where No Man Has Gone Before
I write this with the faint hope that some day, some way, I can send it to the men of Earth. (Maybe via the Internet?) It's been over a year now since that night... I had been driving later that night than usual for me. You see I'm just a single, middle-aged guy who's good at fixing stuff. I had ... Read full Story
Pretty Woman
Tyler was as nervous as anyone could be. Hazel eyes darted for the door as silky black stockings slid up smooth white legs to meet garter straps attached near lacy white panties. Next came the bra, straps catching on skin slightly sticky with perspiration. Heart pounding as the black pencil skirt gl... Read full Story
Birthday Present Part 1
Birthday Present or (I've Looked at Love from Both Sides Now) Chapter 1 "What would you like for your birthday?" my wife asked. "An unforgettable sex session" I answered, jesting. "Is that right? Well, we'll see" came the reply. I forgot all abo... Read full Story
Miss Bernie
My name is Bernice McDonald and I am the very happy owner/ operator of a couple of children's day-care centers. I love my life and I love this work. I love children and since I have one of my own this helps satisfy my need to nurture. I have not always felt or recognized this need. I was born in... Read full Story
Everything Is Not As It Seems
The ad says Femdom looking for malesub. Must be willing to follow all my instructions. Call xxx-xxx-xxxx for consideration. Well I answer the ad and am told to show up at the femdom’s home at 7:00. I arrive at the front door and am greeted by a beautiful woman. She’s wearing a low cut... Read full Story
Darlene, Jack & I Part One
I was driving home from a local peep theater when my car broke down luckily I knew a couple from work that lived nearby. I called my road service company who told me they were unable to help me before Monday since it was a three day holiday weekend. Luckily, when I arrived at their home someone was ... Read full Story
Trannies in Space
There was no spaceport on Jansen's Planet. There had been, but whatever calamity had befallen the world generations ago had also destroyed its port. It was one of so many planets out in the Barrens that had fallen on hard times. So Dekker set down the Barnabas in a clearing in the forest, a remna... Read full Story
Lady In The House Ch. 08
A story by MicheleNylons (Crossdresser must comply with jailhouse heavy.) "You!!!" Eddie screamed through the bars, then laughed. "Well done girls, quite a show, I really enjoyed that; and so did Michele obviously," he said snickering and pointing at the tent in the front of my skirt caused by... Read full Story
BANGING AROUND BANGKOK: THE AMOROUS ADVENTURES OF CAITLIN "MEOW" MORRISON after living and working in Thailand/SE Asia for many years i decided to write an erotic story based on some of the people i have known, venues and places i have been, and the P4P night-scene where i spent way too much... Read full Story
Pregnant Fantasy Come True!
I met Craig a few years back when I found him on a hook up web site. I was in desperate need for some cock since it had been such a long time since my last encounter. And it’s hard to find a good match living in the, small town Midwest. But luck was on my side when Craig answered my ad. He was a... Read full Story
A real Sissy maid in less time
Mistress Isabella's chores written 2024 from Miss Abernathy training manual So if your not working, then you will become a real Sissy maid in less time... than a Part-time wench... as Feminization includes everyday basics you will tidy all beds within the household, and make them warming for bed... Read full Story
Brian and Bree, and Mitch Chapter 2
"What ever I want?" Mitch looked deep into Bree's eyes, she sheepishly nods up at him, "I've always wanted to please a man, I'm just glad it could also be my best friend." She replied, her voice trembling with nervous excitement, "Just give me ten minutes, and meet me in ... Read full Story
Dirty Business Trip
Chapter 1: The Transsexual Hotel Encounter "Yes, I am checking in," I said, putting my credit card on the desk. The woman behind the desk took the card and looked at the name. She was about 5 feet 10 inches tall with dark black hair and brown eyes. Her skin was beautifully tanned and he... Read full Story
All Hallow's Eve
I was sharing an apartment with sister just off campus and had been racking my brains for a week now, pondering what I was going to do for Halloween. It had been three years now since I followed through on a pact I had made with myself to not let my favorite holiday go by without taking full advanta... Read full Story
Amanda and Me Chapter 2
I rolled over after reading Amanda's note with a big smile on my face. I couldn't believe that after all the time I had spent masterbating to shemales and fantasizing about meeting one it had actually happened. Not only had it happened but it had been the most amazing sexual experience of my life. ... Read full Story
La primera vez que me hicieron mujer
Desde mis mas lejanos recuerdos, siempre sentí la necesidad de lucir femenina...recuerdo que de niña me encerraba en el cuarto de mi mama y me probaba las medias panty y los tacones, sobre todo unas sandalias doradas que me encantaban...podía pasar horas en esa habitación imaginándome siendo toda un... Read full Story
First Time Outdoor Festival Fantasy
Fantasy Setting: Summer time in the mountains of Colorado the perfect bluebird weekend we all dream of. The day before an underground rave in the mountains all my friends bail on the show and was now left with either not going or going solo. Well I deiced what the hell and I'll go solo an... Read full Story
Mi primera vez
Esta historia la he guardado mucho tiempo, pero la recuerdo como si hubiera sido ayer. Sucedió cuando apenas tenia 10 años, pero fue el momento más erótico de mi vida. En aquella ocasión y como ya era costumbre mi primo se quedaba a dormir en mi casa jugando juegos de video hasta muy tarde. El... Read full Story
sex-slave in bondage in offer to Mistress & Trans for sadomaso
Vuoi essere il mio padrone? Sono pronta a stare NUDA E LEGATA a tua disposizione per subire lunghe e ripetute punizioni sadomaso, compresa la possibilità di essere ritratta, e costretta a esibirmi tutta eccitata fino all'esasperazione... E per avermi così a fondo sedotta venendo crudelm... Read full Story
en el cine
un día x en concepción, Chile. andaba solo y pase a un cine porno , pague mi entrada y ne dirigí al segundo nivel le película esta buena le estaban dando a una mujer entre dos y eso me calentó mucho y partí al baño a masturbarme en eso cuando estaba yo corriéndome la paja veo que en el baño del lad... Read full Story
la mia prima gang-bang
sono stata coinvolta a mia insaputa in una gang-bang...continuano le mie uscite con il tipo sposato come sempre nei fine settimana....mi preparo come di solito: doccia,[igiene intima...vado in camera apro l'armadio e scelgo un vestito aderente di lana bianco con collo alto con risvolto. ... Read full Story
domingo, 5 de febrero de 2017 RAQUEL Hoy quiero hablar de un día muy importante mi vida. El día que conocí a Raquel. Estaba en casa leyendo el periódico y, como siempre, miré la sección de anuncios por palabras para ver si había algún trabajo interesante, de pronto me encontré que, en la secció... Read full Story
Lady In The House Ch. 05
A story by MicheleNylons (Crossdressed prisoner is forced into prostitution.) From Part IV Then Eddie looked down at my body and noticed the semen pooled at the front of my panties. My semen! He looked down at his tight belly and saw a slimy stain that was the result of my ejaculate spread th... Read full Story
Hola a todos!!! Soy Rosario, tengo 22 años, soy una chica transexual, absolutamente pasiva y muy femenina. Mi proceso de transformación, mi período de transición de chico a chica, duró tres años y; les confieso, que valió la pena tanto trabajo, el esfuerzo, la perseverancia y mi deseo ferviente acom... Read full Story
Rebeca, mi primita transexual
Dice un dicho popular: "al final todo queda en familia..." La historia que les voy a contar es muy interesante, excitante y movilizadora, ya que los protagonistas somos parientes. Se trata de una noche loca, desenfrenada, apasionada, y de muchísimo sexo entre Rebeca y yo. Rebeca es una prima segund... Read full Story
Mi primera vez con un anciano
Hola chicos!!! Soy Daniela; tengo 21 años; soy transexual y; muy adicta al sexo. Me fascina, me encanta ser follada, ya que soy cien por ciento pasiva. Soy de mediana estatura, flaca, tetas medianas, mi pene es muy pequeño, soy de piel blanca, ojos marrones claros y pelo lacio largo color castaño. T... Read full Story
Mi primera vez
Yo antes frecuentaba mucho a un amigo, pasábamos muchas tardes juntos, veíamos películas, tomábamos juntos, hablábamos todo el tiempo, nos teníamos muchísima confianza. Recuerdo una ocasión que estábamos en su cuarto viendo una peli y tomando algunas copas, nos pusimos un tanto borrachos y yo me ... Read full Story
“Cógeme amor mio”
Hoy quiero que me hagas el amor sin prisas, con besos y caricias, quiero sentirme linda deseada y especial en tus brazos, quiero que me beses con besitos cortos y juguetones mientras me acaricias por encima de la ropa, quiero sentir tu cuerpo junto al mío, quiero acariciar tu pecho mientras tu acari... Read full Story
Era verano, y acababa de terminar el colegio y salí a dar una vuelta por la plaza, era una mañana calurosa, me senté bajo la campiña un buen tiempo haciendo hora, y entonces oigo una voz poco común que se dirige hacia mí, era un caballero de nacionalidad chilena, lo note por la voz, de 30 años aprox... Read full Story
Me encanta ser mujer.
Me gusta verme y sentirme mujer. Me encantan las prendas femeninas y de encajes, los vestidos de tela suave y ligera, la medias veladas, los sostén de encajes, las ropas interior delicadas y de encajes, me gusta maquillarme y pintar ,os labios, me encantan los aretes grandes y con pendientes, los ... Read full Story
Latex succubus
The lights of the city obscured the supposedly brilliant starlight in the night sky, leaving only dim and scattered scattered stars adorning the gloomy night sky half-covered by dark clouds, and the crescent-like crescent moon guarding it in the distance makes the night seem less empty Lonely. Mayb... Read full Story
La Entrevista (trabajo de mesera)
LA ENTREVISTA (Trabajo de Mesera) Esta historia es una gran fantasía que tuve por años, pero que ahora aunque a medias es una realidad. Krystal, una de las chicas que me ayuda con el maquillaje, varias veces me había hecho el comentario de que en el bar donde ella actuaba, necesitaban a una chi... Read full Story
"Avez-vous pris votre vitamine, ma chère ?" Ellen a appelé de la salle de bain. Je me frottai le sommeil des yeux et ramassai le flacon de pilule, roulant un gros comprimé dans ma paume. "Ma pilule de cheval ? Je le fais maintenant." "Avez-vous déjà remarqué une différence ?" "Non. Les vitamines ... Read full Story
Se vino dos veces dentro de mi.
Lo vi en un video porno. Le hacia el amor a una nena transexual. Recuerdo que varias veces me masturbe sola en mi cama imaginando a ese hombre haciéndome el amor a mi. El es un hombre muy acuerpado y musculoso, bien varonil. Todo un semental. Su enorme verga, blanca y venosa con una cabezota ro... Read full Story
Alex se réveilla en sursaut. Il regarda son réveil et nota avec chagrin qu'il était 6h30, une bonne heure avant que son alarme ne soit censée sonner. Il détestait quand cela arrivait. Il avait de nouveau fait le cauchemar. Celui où le directeur de l'école l'a forcé à porter de la lingerie maigre, un... Read full Story
Lettera a Cristina (bocca di rosa)
Beh, e' bene che tu lo sappia. Ero io quel 40enne che hai incontrato in metro'. Avevo, per la precisione, 39 anni e 10 mesi. E, ti sbagli, non stavo scrivendo proprio a nessuno, cercavo solo l'applicazione della telecamera per riprenderti con un filmino o scattarti delle foto per averti anche dopo... Read full Story
Giorgia e Helena esibite alla cena in villa
(storia di fantasia) Io e la mia amica Giorgia siamo due traveste molto effemminate, curiamo molto i nostri corpi e appariamo come femminucce sotto ogni aspetto ad eccezione delle nostre cazzette che sono praticamente sempre passive. Siamo ninfomani e completamente arse dal desiderio del sesso. Ci ... Read full Story
Unas notas excelentes, el primero de la promoción. Me sentía completamente feliz tras haber finalizado mi máster y tener sobre la mesa una oferta de trabajo de una de las firmas de consultoría más reputadas a nivel mundial. Sin dudarlo, firmé el contrato. Nada menos que asistente de uno de los socio... Read full Story
Una chica desconicida
Conocí a una chica, por una aplicación. Chateamos durante días, y finalmente quedamos en encontrarnos. Sería un sábado, por la tarde, en el centro. Buenos Aires es una ciudad, que tiene demasiado tránsito, sobre todo un sábado por la tarde, y en el centro. Así que decidí ir en subte. Subí, me ... Read full Story
Una chica descocidoa Mia
En la primera parte, conté como había conocido a Mia. Tuvimos sexo, y nos quedamos dormidos. Al día siguiente, desperté solo. Me puse mi bóxer, y Sali del dormitorio. Sentí aroma a desayuno, y me dirigí a la cocina. Mia: buen díaaaa…. Tenía puesto un short de jean, un buzo corto, que dejaba... Read full Story
Married guy wants a shemale to fuck his wife
I'm a married guy and I've had this fantasy of a shemale fucking my wife for quite some time! She is a very attractive lady. She has been hesitant in the past to try new, kinky things, however, lately, she has begun to get into what initially was my self-imposed chastity. However, she quickly shoots... Read full Story
Mistress Jasmine Made Me a Slave
Since long I haven't written a story so maybe I am a little rusty but I hope you enjoy it anyway. There are some autobiographic parts in it but most is fantasy, which part is real and which is fantasy I leave to you. Like any other author I do love comments too, whether they are good or bad. So plea... Read full Story
Transvestite in trouble Part 3
I felt his stiff cock at my asshole. I shuffled my legs a little further apart, partly to prevent him ramming it into me and it hurting, and partly bacause I just wanted him to fuck me! "you fuckin dirty slut" he whispered...he'd noticed my little subtle movement " you want my cock... Read full Story
A Night of Makeup, Cock and Cum - froam Annamalice
It was all I could do not to accept. After all, it's been a fantasy of mine for years. When given the opportunity, I had to go for it. I had been surfing the internet for crossdressers, shemales, transvestites and transsexuals. The idea of a hot woman with a cock had always turned me on. Further, I... Read full Story
Mistress Jasmine made me a slave forever
I should have been honest. I mean I should have known that lies have short legs and now they had caught up with me. The worst was I had not only lost my place in my bed but had also lost my place with my wife. Somebody else occupied these places now. Let me tell you how everything went. More ... Read full Story
Guard Duty
Susan Denton was apprehensive as she approached the airport security station. She didn't like having to set her purse on the black conveyor belt that transported it - and the personal effects it contained - through the X-ray machine that rendered ghost images of her personal effects. On one occasion... Read full Story
Headmistress' Favorite Sport Part 11
Denise lay in the trunk of the car, her legs tied together with rubber straps waiting patiently to see what would become of her. She had long since relinquished all control over her own life and knowing that she was just useless sissy-slut made it easy to accept that whatever was done to her was pro... Read full Story
Chinese Extremes Part 2
When he woke up, it was like waking from a very vivid dream. Oddly enough he quickly accepted that it had not been a dream, but he did find the determination that had been missing the day before. It may have been a longtime sexual fantasy of his to be feminized against his will, but in the real worl... Read full Story
My Mistress, My Slave
I first met Robert as I was moving into my new apartment building. He was just one of the several men who appeared out of the thin air and offered to carry my furniture and boxes up to my new second story apartment. Most of these manly he-men only appeared because they wanted to get to "know&qu... Read full Story
The Greatest Lie Part 10
Don’t you hate commercial air travel? No matter how many drugs I take, when they wear off, I’m disoriented, my legs are twitchy, and there are still three hours (or whatever) to go. Not enough time to take the last of the Sonata I had borrowed from Mom’s medicine cabinet before tou... Read full Story
The Greatest Lie Part 15
I think that if you could get honest answers, a lot of heterosexual guys would probably admit to having had at least a passing desire to be a girl. If they were honest, they would probably admit they thought of it "when I first noticed a girl's breasts" or "when I first felt a girl or... Read full Story
Oh,,,,,,,, so helpless
The ankle straps of her five inch heels connected by a short chain and secured in place with tiny padlocks. A virtually unnoticeable black cable secured around her waist held the shiny steel handcuffs that pulled her silken gloved hands behind her, leaving white glossy fingers resting on the very la... Read full Story