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3 ans de bonheur conjugal. Cela après être sorti pendant 3 ans. Je savais que j'aurais pu faire bien pire. Nous étions heureux ensemble et l'entreprise que nous menions en partenariat avait pris d'assaut. Nous nous étions rencontrés au départ à l'école de design, nous avions sympathisé à la fois dan... Read full Story
Pourquoi étais-je à quatre pattes avec la bite de mon père dans mon cul et la chatte de ma sœur dans mon visage ? Eh bien, je ne savais pas que ma mère connaissait mon secret. Elle savait que j'avais porté la lingerie d'elle et de ma sœur. Tout a commencé quand un jour j'étais seul à la maison et... Read full Story
JOUR 1: mardi 25 C'était le matin de Noël quand j'ai entendu frapper à ma porte, ce qui était, bien sûr, très étrange à dix heures du matin. À midi, j'allais chez ma famille pour Noël, et j'avais rarement des visiteurs inattendus. Toujours dans ma robe, je me dirigeai vers la porte et fus s... Read full Story
Nous étions mariés depuis quatre ans lorsque ma femme a pris un nouveau travail, elle allait être la directrice d'une nouvelle maison de courtage d'assurances dans notre ville mais a dû passer quelques semaines d'orientation et de formation au siège social à 180 milles de là avant qu'elle pris la re... Read full Story
Panty Boy de Samantha
En me réveillant avec l'odeur du bacon et des œufs, j'ai regardé l'horloge qui clignotait à 7h30 et pendant une seconde j'ai pensé que j'allais être en retard au travail. Me souvenant que c'était samedi matin, je me suis levé, j'ai mis mon peignoir et me suis dirigé vers la cuisine. Ma belle épouse ... Read full Story
Secrets débloqués
Je surfais sur mon PC quand ma copine s'est faufilée sur moi. Normalement, j'étais plus consciente, mais j'étais absorbée par mon regard sur les femmes; puis les femmes en lingerie; puis des hommes en lingerie, puis des hommes en lingerie se faisant fourrer le cul. J'avais assez raide et je la fr... Read full Story
Closet Sissy Son fait en fille
Pourquoi étais-je à quatre pattes avec la bite de mon père dans le cul et la chatte de ma sœur dans mon visage? Je ne savais pas que ma mère était au courant de mon secret. Elle savait que je portais sa lingerie et celle de ma sœur. Cela a commencé lorsqu'un jour j'étais seul à la maison et que j... Read full Story
Maman se met en colère contre son fils Pussyboy
Histoire d'un fils de pussyboy qui est transformé en putain de bite par sa mère. À 31 ans, je ne devrais pas envisager de retourner vivre avec ma mère, mais j'ai récemment divorcé, mon ex-femme m'a viré et j'ai dû me mettre à genoux pliés vers ma mère pour un toit sur ma tête. C'est avec un sentim... Read full Story
"Avez-vous pris votre vitamine, ma chère ?" Ellen a appelé de la salle de bain. Je me frottai le sommeil des yeux et ramassai le flacon de pilule, roulant un gros comprimé dans ma paume. "Ma pilule de cheval ? Je le fais maintenant." "Avez-vous déjà remarqué une différence ?" "Non. Les vitamines ... Read full Story
Je veux juste régler ça d'abord, avant toute autre chose. Je suis un mec - 100% masculin. J'aime juste m'habiller avec des vêtements de fille. Je suis en fait une fille beaucoup plus belle que je ne suis un garçon. Vêtue de vêtements sexy, maquillée et coiffée, je fais une fille très ... Read full Story
Madame Margot Elizabeth Stott était l'objet de mes désirs, des désirs très secrets ; désire que je n'aie jamais eu l'intention de la laisser - ou qui que ce soit d'autre - le découvrir. Mme Margot Elizabeth Stott avait, au moment où je l'ai connue pour la première fois, environ 45 ans, peut-être ... Read full Story
Si ses histoires étaient vraies, non seulement beaucoup d'hommes ont eu des réveils sexuels entre la fin de la trentaine et le début de la cinquantaine, mais beaucoup d'hommes de mon âge étaient curieux de se féminiser, de sucer des bites et peut-être même d'avoir des fesses. Mais je ne peux pas ... Read full Story
Je m'appelle Kim Lee. Je suis à moitié coréen et à moitié chinois. Mon prénom m'a beaucoup taquiné quand j'étais à l'école. Cela n'a pas aidé non plus que je sois un peu petit et mince. Par conséquent, j'ai grandi plutôt timide et réservé. Je n'ai jamais vraiment eu beauc... Read full Story
Peter et moi étions amis depuis que nous jouions au basket ensemble au collège. J'étais le meneur nerveux et il a pris les rebonds. Aucun de nous ne pouvait tirer, mais nous pensions que nous étions Kyrie Irving et LeBron James et avions prévu de mener l'université au championnat d'État ... Read full Story
💞 YVETTE 💞 J'ai mis la robe et ma vie a changé. Je ne me souviens plus exactement comment cela s'est passé. Kathy avait acheté la robe d'occasion, l'avait mise et m'avait demandé à quoi elle ressemblait, alors j'ai dit très jolie. Puis, d'une manière ou d'... Read full Story
Carla et moi venons de déménager. Elle voulait se rapprocher de la clinique où elle travaille en tant que spécialiste de la FIV. Bien que cela signifiait un peu plus de trajet pour moi jusqu'à la bibliothèque où j'ai travaillé la majeure partie de ma vie d'adulte, j'étais heureux de ... Read full Story
Shemale Porn
Nowadays, I masturbate exclusively to shemale porn. Like most guys, I started out reading, then watching, straight pornography. Sure, there was the titillation of happening across a cross-dressing tale in the glossy flesh mags, but they were for a ‘straight’ readership, and didn’t quite scratch that... Read full Story
delicious virile male flesh
Tasted delicious virile male flesh… The breeze caressed my swollen nipples giving me pleasant shivers. The two glasses of Riesling had also contributed to my excitement. My crotch was burning as if the disappearing sun had blown all its thermal energy into me. Under my fine lace panties, purple o... Read full Story
Lola Chapter 5
Lola chapter 5 Summer vacation was coming to an end. Most of the time we had been to ourselves, mostly at home but also a couple of shorter trips. Beer tasting in Stockholm's archipelago, a trip to the west coast, overnight stays in hotels, everywhere we were received like any other couple. A fam... Read full Story
Wife got suspicious...
Wife got suspicious... I ended up having a relationship with a married man I'll call Tom. I didn't know he was married until he told me we had to stop kind of like dating because his wife was getting suspicious. We met online, he was a guy who liked crossdressers like me. He was pretty cute... Read full Story
The Story of Stephanie (Chapter 7)
After my meeting at the hotel, I never really heard from that man again. I knew though that I'd done a good job. I wanted to do it again. But I wanted to take my time. Find the right man. When I say man, I mean a real man. Not a silly wee boy just looking for a shag. I wanted to chat to someone, may... Read full Story
The Story of Stephanie (Chapter 9)
After that encounter with Alicia, I kept a low profile. I was paranoid incase her husband was coming after me. But, one thing I did know, was that I didn't want to get into anything that complicated again. I also knew that Stephanie was ready for some more fun with a man. I'd lived out a fantasy wit... Read full Story
The Story of Stephanie (Chapter 10)
A year had passed since my night with Alan. I'd taken a back seat from the dressing. Only now and again was I getting the urge. I was trying to live a normal, single mans life. Going out with friends, going on dates etc. I had one or two girlfriends in that time. One in particular, who I regretted n... Read full Story
Old Folks Chapter 1
I had been cross-dressing for some years, but I had never been with another man. I had been talking on a gay chat site for some months when I found someone who I got on with well. We exchanged photos I was happy with his and he was happy with mine. Deciding to get together, we arranged a date and ti... Read full Story
I Missed Myself
As soon as Dr. Griffin returned to the examination room, I knew that the news wasn’t good. I could tell by the way he avoided my eyes as he studied his clipboard and fidgeted with his pen that something was wrong, terribly wrong with me. The ache in my groin that I had been ignori... Read full Story
First time buying cross dressing undies and more
First off I had a sister that was 3 years older than me. In my freshman year of high school I hit the point I wanted to know what ladies under wear felt like. My sister had a strict no entering her room policy. So the summer after she graduated she went on a two week trip. My parents went to wor... Read full Story
The Sex Club
When I got divorced back in 1987 I was a very horny man that had not had sex in many years. I had always liked to dress up in nylons etc and learned long ago that I was Bi and liked cocks and pussy. When I finally got my own place after the divorce I almost always would lay around the house dressed ... Read full Story
Vacation fun
I was staying at a nice hotel for a week while working and in the evening, there was not a lot to do so I decided to go for a little walk along the nice pathway they had at hotel. It was very private and wondered around a bunch of flowers and trees and brush and along a nice little river. I had walk... Read full Story
a diary piece - my next date
A diary piece - my next date I hadn't forgotten how to please a man and I had decided to be a little whore for him. Yes I enjoyed it very much and wanted to be fucked again the next day. When I start having sex I want it all the time. HiltonP had said he wanted a date again on 21st and 28th ... Read full Story
Hello, I am posting this as a story because I couldn't couldn't  say everything I wanted to in me profile. I have just joined AShemale, I am a mature chap who had been on XHamster for nearly two years,  I love crossdressing and gurls, I have been dressing regularly for many years and before that... Read full Story
Cela commence assez innocemment - votre jeune femme est assise à côté de vous, vêtue d'une superbe robe trapèze, ses longues jambes repliées sous elle. Comme d'habitude à cette heure de la nuit, elle peint ses ongles magnifiquement manucurés d'une couleur pulpeuse. Ce soir c'est prune. Pourtant, cet... Read full Story
HypnoSissy Partie 2
DEVENIR CUM SLUT Une fois habillé et James parti, Rose demanda: "Vous êtes-vous amusé?" Je hochai la tête. "Oui, bien que je me sente un peu gay." Rose secoua la tête. "Brian," gay "est juste un mot, comme" lesbienne ", ou" faggot "ou" gouine ". J'ai mangé la chatte et demandé aux filles... Read full Story
Aujourd'hui, ma mère et moi sommes allés acheter des maillots de bain dans un grand magasin local. C'était en début d'après-midi et nous avions pratiquement l'endroit pour nous tous seuls. En entrant dans le magasin, nous sommes passés devant une grande colonne couverte de miroirs, et je me suis ... Read full Story
Il y a un claquement, puis "Réveillez-vous !" J'ouvre lentement les yeux. Je me sens étourdi, confus. Je suis assis sur un lit, et dans un fauteuil gris devant moi, une jeune femme est assise. Elle porte une longue robe verte et ses cheveux noirs sont coiffés d'un côté. Elle me regarde avec un gr... Read full Story
💞 EMILY 💞 J'étais en colère sinon je n'aurais jamais désobéi à mon mari Rob (Robert ou Rob, jamais Bob). Non pas qu'il me battait ou me dominait, juste qu'il dirigeait les coups, et aimait particulièrement que je sois belle pour lui. J'étais une fille plutôt grande, c'est-à-dire p... Read full Story
💞 BOBBIE 💞 Être une fille n'est pas une question d'âge, c'est de s'amuser. Amusement d'une manière féminine spéciale. Les septuagénaires qui sortent en soirée s'appellent filles, parce que c'est ce qu'elles vont faire : s'amuser d'une certaine maniè... Read full Story
the start of what to cum
I responded to an ad on Craigslist from some guy asking for help to move some furniture. He was paying pretty well and, after I practically laughed at him for asking if I could lift the furniture, he agreed to have me over to get it done. We moved everything around for what felt like hours, often mo... Read full Story
E is for Erica
I was surprised. Very surprised. I mean, in those circumstances, in that situation. Late in the evening, in a hotel just outside Cardiff, I was there for an interview. I mean, the interview was the next day. TKB were a big firm, still are. I could have driven to their Head Office early the next morn... Read full Story
Proud To Be A Sissy Chapter 8
I woke up to hear daddy lightly snoring and in my sleep I had draped a leg over him so that my body was almost covering him. I giggled to myself realizing that even in my sleep the sissy slut in me reached to grasp his flaccid penis. Then I curled closer up against daddy and contemplated about how m... Read full Story
Dressed for Suck-cess
I had met my new friend just before Christmas, and we had already played a couple of times before today. However, it kept getting hotter, and today it was just too hot not to write about it. If you've read any of my other stories, you'll know that I'm an older bi married white male living in wes... Read full Story
New School, New Life
Part of my father's job is on-campus recruiting, so when it was time for him to spend a week at the university where I was enrolled for the following fall, we decided that I should go with him and familiarize myself with the campus. We left on a Friday morning to ensure I'd have a full week on ca... Read full Story
Hotel Heaven or Nightmare
You've enjoyed a relaxing bubble bath, you're smooth skinned and perfumed. You dress with your new purchases, Gio seamed stockings, leather mini skirt and Carvela heels with sexy peep toes. You take time to apply your make up while you contemplate what the evening will hold for you. There's nothing ... Read full Story
My Story...
Hy my name is Noemi and this is my story... I was nearly five years, my parents sleep and my sister stayed overnight at a girlfriend. I allways looked at her tights, skirts, dresses and shoes admiring (she is six years older)and i was jealous that she could wear such beautiful clothes. I liked to ... Read full Story
The Sneaky Blow Job
Renee and Gina met in person for the very first time at a late afternoon appointment at Phoebe’s Getaway south of Atlanta, Georgia. Both girls had come from far away, and though they were dressed in their boy clothes, underneath the jeans and sneakers there were already twenty painted toes and two s... Read full Story
Become Suellen
I remember that day like yesterday , i was 13 years old , and i was keen to try my older cousin Susanne underwear , it was the end of September and my parents left me at my uncle house because they have to go to the ospital , so after school i went on my Cousin room for the homework and i see the pa... Read full Story
My First Cock
Im just your ordinary guy, night and day watch on this site when im horny. Still havent understood my fascination for this site but im here everyday for the last 4 years. Within that time i have slowly had urges to buy stuff so i bought butt plugs vibrators just to get so i knew who it actually f... Read full Story
My pink panties
My pink panties .... You pointed to the bed and said to put on the lingerie that you had picked out for me. There on the bed was a pair of pretty pink panties that had a bow on the front, a pink lace bra, a pink lace garter belt and a pair of fully fashioned stockings. What a lovely feeling ... Read full Story
My gurly development
.... It starts with looking at girls and wondering... then it progresses to trying on girly things and thinking ... then it's, how do I look better? how do I do my makeup, hair, nails... then its time to shop for sexy pretty things.... And then it's why do women wear sexy lingerie, shoes, tight ... Read full Story
Be My Bitch
After a long day at work, I get in my car, and look forward to the long drive home. It gives me time to unwind and relax. I try to forget about the hectic office and concentrate on my beautiful girlfriend waiting at home with that warm smile that she greets me with when I get there. However, tod... Read full Story
My pink panties
.... You pointed to the bed and said to put on the lingerie that you had picked out for me. There on the bed was a pair of pretty pink panties that had a bow on the front, a pink lace bra, a pink lace garter belt and a pair of fully fashioned stockings. What a lovely feeling rolling the stocking... Read full Story
My Start
In the beginning, when I was younger and trying out my sexuality and starting to understand what I wanted and liked and craved and needed, I played with boys and girls. But in short order, I decided I wanted something in between. Which is how I would find myself sneaking into clubs in Manhattan in t... Read full Story
Janine awaits
My story is not typical. Sure, it mirrors many of the others you’ve read except for one aspect, that is my age. I recently celebrated my sixtieth birthday. Yep, the big 60. And not that I am trying to brag but I am one of the sexiest bitches around. As recently as five years ago I looked like any ot... Read full Story
Lady In The House Ch. 05
A story by MicheleNylons (Crossdressed prisoner is forced into prostitution.) From Part IV Then Eddie looked down at my body and noticed the semen pooled at the front of my panties. My semen! He looked down at his tight belly and saw a slimy stain that was the result of my ejaculate spread th... Read full Story
Who's She?
School had been a bore for Tony. He was a bright lad and didn't have to work too hard to get through classes unnoticed by the teachers and class mates. He had plenty of friends but no one close. He didn't excel in sports or academically. He had picked up a few good exam results but had decided that ... Read full Story
Vanessa gets more than she bargained for!
Vanessa had it all planned out meticulously. She had taken the day off and planned on doing a bit of last minute shopping before checking into the hotel in the early afternoon. She eventually decided on buying a massive dildo to get her ready for the party. This would give her plenty of time to take... Read full Story
Sissygurl development A true sissy always wants to always look as sexy and desirable as possible and with a body that looks fabulous in your sexy sissy outfits so you will be super motivated to stay sleek and slim. Now let’s talk make-up. Besides the essential stuff to have in your make-up kit... Read full Story