Free Stories

Jennifer's first taste of cum
This is another in a long of line of true stories about my crossdressing experiences. This encounter happened back in the 90s. It was Saturday night and I was on the road to the Queen Mary in Studio City. For those of you who were into the scene back then, you know what a happening place the Mary... Read full Story
First fuck in public ;)
You’re only wearing a coat, I find a place where, I can kiss you then slide my hand between the flaps of your coat. I expose your breasts and slide my hand down across your tummy down to your pussy. My fingers start to explore your soft bush, working there way to your soft pink lips surrounding your... Read full Story
Old but new
Years had passed since high school, and Alex found himself wandering through the familiar streets of his old neighborhood. The crisp autumn air carried a sense of nostalgia. As he passed Tony’s Sandwich Shop, he felt a pang of curiosity and decided to step inside. The shop hadn’t changed much—the... Read full Story
Best Sex EVER!
The story that follows actually happened to me and is 100% true. Grab your dick and read on! ____________________________________________________ I saw her ad on a local trans gurl escort site. Her photos revealed her to be a cute blonde with a terrific smile and her photos stood out because the... Read full Story
My Start
In the beginning, when I was younger and trying out my sexuality and starting to understand what I wanted and liked and craved and needed, I played with boys and girls. But in short order, I decided I wanted something in between. Which is how I would find myself sneaking into clubs in Manhattan in t... Read full Story
The Fabulous Alessia Travestita
Alessia is a real transexual. Several of her porn videos are on this site. She collaborated with me in this story. Alessia is a natural blonde haired, brown eyed, mature fifty -five year old Transsexual woman from England. She is tall, very fit, stands 5'11," 36B-26-30 and a slender 133... Read full Story
Bruna Rocha, most liked Shemale Hooker in Frankfurt
Rang and the door opens and Wow !! There she stood in front of me as in the pictures with suspenders, high heels and a super friendly smile. Perfect guitar figure, super smooth skin. After entering, we went to her room and sat down on a sofa. She looks at me kindly, puts her hand on my thigh and ... Read full Story
Kate Berges the Shemale who fucked first in my ass
I was with her last week. She was in a duo. So I went there and rang the bell. Recognized me right away and gave me a deep kiss. I then asked her if she was available in the duo and her colleague a.) cums properly and if she would also fuck each other, which she confirmed. She then went out and c... Read full Story
My Recent Holiday Treat
I've come to accept that I am a bit of a dirty girl sometimes. Most of the time I think that I could easily fall into be labeled a nerdy, quiet goth girl, book worm and not at all up of current trends. A misfit as I was called in high school. But there's another side of me. A side that craves sexual... Read full Story
Seattle Weekend Part 2
I awakened to the smell of coffee and this beautiful silhouette of a girl standing at the window watching sunrise. I could see through her lingerie the beautiful breast and nipples, and the silhouette of her TG butt which was so sexy looking I was getting hard. I joined Gwen at the window wrapping m... Read full Story
I love cock!
• Hey guys I’m Jay, let me tell you how I learned I love cock. My first time was in college, and I know they say it’s a time to experiment. But boy did I learn a lot about myself. Like most kids I had a part time job for some extra cash. One of the guys in my department was an older heavyset guy nam... Read full Story
College project surprise
So this story happened while I was still in college and remains without doubt, the craziest, most exciting experience of my life. So I the story begins one day when I walking to class. I went to a big university so my walk was quite long, and the first 1/3 was just through off our campus housin... Read full Story
Alessia Travestita Hung Mature Blonde British Porn Star
Alessia Travestita Hung Mature Blonde British Porn Star If you like Transexuals, big cocks, bondage, domination, deep throat, fisting, spit roast, 69, ass fucking, cum swallowing and big loads this story is for you. If not don’t bother reading. If you like my story please leave comments and ... Read full Story
My lusty landlord
Gopal Reddy has been my landlord for about 7 years now. I rented his flat back in 2015 at Whitefield, Bangalore and have been staying there with my mom. Gopal Reddy and his wife Manjula are from Anantapur, Andhra Pradesh and they keep visiting us whenever they come down to Bangalore. Both of them... Read full Story
Hung Trans Lesbians Fuck Two Ladyboys
Note 1: If you like Transsexuals, Trans Lesbians, Asian Ladyboys, Big Cocks, Extreme Cock Sucking, Anal Fucking, Anal Fisting, Semen Swallowing, Role Play, Orgies, BDSM, Cock Sounding and Foot Fetish this story is for you. Note 2: All the characters are over 21. The names are fictitious, but some... Read full Story
2.ΜΕ ΕΝΑ ΦΙΛΟ ΓΙΑ ΤΣΟΝΤΑ ΣΕ ΚΙΝΗΜΑΤΟΓΡΑΦΟ Μια φορα με πηρε ενας φιλος μου να παμε να δουμε κινηματογραφο τσοντα.Δεν ηξερε τιποτα για εμενα οτι ειμαι crossdress.Εγω τις περισσοτερες φορες μεσα απο το τζιν φοραω καλτσες η καλσον ανοικτα απο κατω, σουτιεν η μπουστακι και φυσικα στρινγκ.Η αισθηση του ν... Read full Story
Closet Sissy Son fait en fille
Pourquoi étais-je à quatre pattes avec la bite de mon père dans le cul et la chatte de ma sœur dans mon visage? Je ne savais pas que ma mère était au courant de mon secret. Elle savait que je portais sa lingerie et celle de ma sœur. Cela a commencé lorsqu'un jour j'étais seul à la maison et que j... Read full Story
J'ai enfin goûté la bonne chère/chair
Dépucelée en bon et du forme... Chose jamais osée depuis que je goûte la jouissance par tous les sens et dans tous ses sens... Je la découvris quand elle m'a sourit en guise de remerciement pour lui avoir cédé le passage dans la superette du bled où j'étais pour affaires. Sandales à ses pieds d... Read full Story
Rassemblement d'alumni pas comme les autres;
Un rassemblement d'alumni pas comme les autres; 'Mer/Sable/Soleil' et pourquoi pas 'Sex' dans un club de vancance; nous nous sommes rassemblés pour fêter les 40 ans de notre 1ère rencontre en fac. La seule règle était de venir sans compagne pour revivre nos jours de 'frosh'. avec les ca... Read full Story
Rassemblement d'alumni pas comme les autres; 2/2
... J'ai ouvert les yeux, dessoûlé de l'alcool et mais aussi de mes sensations de luxure. Simo était déjà parti. Je devais me préparer pour la fête, et ce, en homme!!! MAIS, la salope que je suis, pour rendre mes seins plus proéminents sous mon débardeur pourpre foncé, j'ai serré un sangle transpa... Read full Story
J'ai rencontré ma femme Tara pour la première fois lors d'une soirée de réveillon. Je portais de l'eye-liner et mes cheveux étaient relativement longs. Elle m'appelait "joli garçon" pendant que nous dansions. Elle était très sexy avec un petit corps, de longs cheveux noirs et... Read full Story
Minha segunda experiência como CD [PORTUGUESE]
Olá, antes de mais nada quero avisar que minhas histórias são verdadeiras e que eu me descrevi na minha primeira história, por isso não o farei novamente. Minha segunda experiência aconteceu 6 meses depois da primeira, não disse qual idade eu tinha na época, então vou dizer agora, nessa história ... Read full Story
Um Garoto e Laura
Jonas estava em um hotel aproveitando os últimos dias de suas férias em Cabo Frio, Rio de Janeiro. Sentado no bar bebendo um suco de laranja e observando a paisagem, ele viu uma mulher se aproximar, usava um biquíni roxo que lhe compunha bem os seios, mas mantinha a cintura coberta por uma tanga flo... Read full Story
De la pucelle quinquagénaire à la mature disponible...
***Prologue - Confessions: Depuis que j’ai offert ma virginité, je me mets chaque jour un peu plus dans la peau d’une femme. Le petit bled où je vis m’interdit de m’exhiber socialement. Totefois je me suis faite une complice, mon épileuse qui me reçoit après la fermeture . Depuis mon nouveau début,... Read full Story
Je me présente chez ma copine après qu'elle m'ait envoyé un texto me disant à quel point elle me voulait. Je frappe à la porte et elle répond. C'est une beauté aux cheveux corbeau, d'environ 5'10 avec des yeux marron clair et une carrure assez mince mais athlétique. "Je suis tellement contente qu... Read full Story
Je me suis réveillé en me sentant comme tous les matins pendant des mois, extatique. Il n'y a pas d'autre façon de décrire ce que je ressens quand je me réveille le matin. Je me suis levé de mon oreiller, j'ai déclenché l'alarme et j'étais hors du lit en quelques secondes. Je ne ... Read full Story
Je savais. En regardant en arrière maintenant, je me rends compte que j'ai toujours su. Je n'ai jamais rien fait à ce sujet, jusqu'à ce que je sois prêt mentalement, émotionnellement et physiquement. Je suis né Matthew J. Smith au milieu des années 70 en Amérique centrale aux États-Unis. J'ai grandi... Read full Story
Ma femme, Jill, était à Denver pendant douze jours pour assister à un séminaire médical pour les chirurgiens plasticiens et ne devait pas revenir avant quelques jours. En raison de son travail, elle assiste à plusieurs séminaires, à l'intérieur et à l'extérieur de l'État, parfois un jour ou plusieur... Read full Story
Je m'appelle Natalie mais ce n'est pas le nom avec lequel je suis née; c'est plutôt le nom que ma femme m'a donné quand elle a fait de moi sa "sœur" et sa poule mouillée cocu peu de temps après notre mariage. Mon vrai nom est Nathan mais c'est un nom que je préférerais ne plus jamais utiliser parce ... Read full Story
Αλλη μια βολτα στην Λ. Καβαλας.
Γεια σας. Θα σας πω μια ιστορια που διαδραματιστηκε λιγες μερες μετα την γνωριμια με την Αντζελα οπως σας ειπα στην προηγουμενη ιστορια μου. Μια μερα που εφυγε η γυναικα μου για κατι δουλειες και θα γυριζε την αλλη μερα, δεν εχασα την ευκαιρια. Μολις τελειωσα τη δουλεια μου πηγα σπιτι εκανα ενα μπαν... Read full Story
Φαντασιώσεις μιας Cross
Είχα γνωρίσει τον Τάκη στο Romeo. Καθαρόαιμος top, 55άρης, γεροδεμένος, πρώην ναυτικός και τώρα εισοδηματίας, όπως μου συστήθηκε. Του άρεσαν πολύ οι cross και στο chat μου μιλούσε στο θηλυκό γένος. Μου έλεγε πράγματα που θα έλεγε αν φλέρταρε με πραγματική γυναίκα. Από την αρχή επέμενε να βρεθούμε αλ... Read full Story
Peter et moi étions amis depuis que nous jouions au basket ensemble au collège. J'étais le meneur nerveux et il a pris les rebonds. Aucun de nous ne pouvait tirer, mais nous pensions que nous étions Kyrie Irving et LeBron James et avions prévu de mener l'université au championnat d'État ... Read full Story
JOUR 1: mardi 25 C'était le matin de Noël quand j'ai entendu frapper à ma porte, ce qui était, bien sûr, très étrange à dix heures du matin. À midi, j'allais chez ma famille pour Noël, et j'avais rarement des visiteurs inattendus. Toujours dans ma robe, je me dirigeai vers la porte et fus s... Read full Story
I love Shemales
Ever since I was 13 I have had a thing for shemales. I had always wanted yo experience sex with a shemale. So when I was 20 I decided to get on an escort site and find a sexy Tranny. I ran across the perfect one so I immediately booked a date with her. So the dreamday finally came and I was so excit... Read full Story
My wonderful life with Pat : The tattoo
Few hours later Marie and Pat arrived, Marie ordered me to stand-up and kiss me hardly with her tongue rolling in my mouth. She say me goodbye and thank you so much for dinner and the marvelous night, Pat is really lucky with you. I was so surprised i reply by a shy thank you. After Marie has le... Read full Story
An alumni gathering like no other; 2/2
... I opened my eyes, sobered up from the alcohol and my lust. Simo had already left. I had to get ready for the party, and I had to do it like a man! BUT, slut that I am, to make my breasts more prominent under my dark purple tank top, I tightened a transparent strap around my waist. You never kno... Read full Story
TS Lisa from Frankfurt +49151-26928696
Every time I'm in Frankfurt, a visit to Lisa is a must. She has a small apartment near the old opera house. You can always reach her pretty quickly. I call her and she answers straight away. I say hello Lisa, I've been to your place before and she answers in a friendly way, so you know where to go. ... Read full Story
White dress!
It had been a long and hot day that sunday! Some friends opted the idea to go drinks and have a cookout, little did i know how the night would end. By the time it got to midnight we were all drunk and wanted more action so we decided to head to one of the local bars for more drinks and see if we fo... Read full Story
Liberty in Lisbon Part 3
After Olivia had so perfectly taken my anal virginity, we laid in bed cuddling, touching, kissing and her cum leaking from me. I had not been so lovingly caressed for such a long time. It was just perfect. She asked me how I was feeling. I think I said before that I don’t do deep and meaningful very... Read full Story
An alumni gathering like no other
An alumni gathering like no other; Sea/Sand/Sun' and why not 'Sex' in a vancancy club; we got together to celebrate the 40th anniversary of our 1st meeting at university. The only rule was to come without a partner to relive our 'frosh' days. with friends of whom I had lost all trace, a... Read full Story
Tasting the good FLESH
I am no longer Virgin, en bon et du forme Thing never dared since I taste the enjoyment by all the senses and in all its senses... I discovered her when she smiled at me as a thank-you for giving her the way to the small-town supermarket where I was on business. Sandals at her feet of Cinderell... Read full Story
My 1st transgender experience
Many years ago I was living near the San Francisco area. I had purchased the most recent Hustler magazine and one of the layouts had Shannon. She was so beautiful, and oh my what a cock. I had only ever been with women and did not consider myself gay, but for some reason I wanted to suck that cock. ... Read full Story
Decisions, decisions.
So if you have read my stuff I’ve posted before I was with a tranny named Nicole for awhile but she left for work last year so after she left I actually started dating normal again went back to girls but never forgot her. I’ve hid the dildo and all my secrets from my current girlfriend for almost a ... Read full Story
Group Sex
Jan and I have been together now about 4 years but known each other since High School. We are both in our early fifties. We had met a transgendered girl (Gabby) about a year ago and we get together about once a month and enjoy each other’s company, going out playing and having intimacy together. Gab... Read full Story
Threesome goes clubbing
Ft. Lauderdale is probably the most LGBT friendly city on the east coast. So many nice restaurants and clubs that welcome all and have many LGBT employees as well. Lydia and I have been married several months, we had met Joanne an absolute amazing transgender girl during a weekend trip to the Baha... Read full Story
2nd date with Latina Sissy Destiny
So this was my second time with Destiny, a really cool Latina CD/Sissy who had just turned 22. You might want to read my first goaround with her title, “Deflowering Latina Sissy Destiny” as it will give background and context here. After our first encounter, she signaled that she was definitely... Read full Story
Business trip
Craig and I were salesmen for the same company and on a trip together to woo new clients. The last thing I expected was that we would woo each other. It had been a long day and we went to our rooms to relax and unwind. After I had my room service and wanted to go over the proposals I realized Crai... Read full Story
Ann and I
Last night I had an awesome experience. I was down in Fort Worth to meet a tranny I had been talking to on squirt. I got off work early, took a shower and shaved my cock and balls and dressed in jeans and a t-shirt and headed down to Club Changes to meet her at four. The bar was pretty empty, Thu... Read full Story
From a 50's virgin to a Mature good for all
***Prologue - Confessions: Every day since I offered my virginity, I put myself in the shoes of a woman. The little town where I live forbids me to show myself socially. However I made myself an accomplice, my epilator who receives me after closing. Since my new beginning, male masturbations are not... Read full Story
The colossus and me
The colossus and me... step by step towards completion (1) When my phone rang I was watching the World’s news in TV, only tragedies. It was Lina (cf. my previous story) on the phone. The colossus with an angel heart and an elephant dick. She was in my town for business. And without her saying ano... Read full Story
My Own Private Carolina (Part 1)
I returned to my hometown for what I assumed would be the last time. My mom finally decided to sell our old family home and move into a condo at the beach. It only made sense for her to do so. Since my father passed away seven years ago, there was nothing left to keep her there, and it was really fa... Read full Story
My TS Journey
I'm a straight, married guy in my 30's, at least that how I appear to everyone that knows me. I have an intense obsession with Trans women that I have been indulging since I was a teenager. Over the years this fixation has grown into something that ranged from watching porn initially, to having my a... Read full Story
About Jack and Diane
Thanksgiving was over the college kids are returning to school and Las Vegas has slowed down from the busy restaurants and overcrowded casinos. It’s the best time of year to see a nice show for less. Jack’s friends had all taken off with families and he had time to think about how lonely he really w... Read full Story
Westwood Bound Cum Slut
After many months of internet relations I was on my way out west. There to meet the gurl I had longed to finally get to be with, you see Jill was the cd I had been talking to all these months exchanging stories of things we could do to each other, to bring the pleasures to each of us we really ne... Read full Story
Westward bound cum slut
After many months of internet relations I was on my way out west. There to meet the gurl I had longed to finally get to be with, you see Jill was the cd I had been talking to all these months exchanging stories of things we could do to each other, to bring the pleasures to each of us we really ne... Read full Story
SUMMER VACATION by Spanky de Bautumn
In our house, it was a well-known secret that my mother kept her change in the top drawer of her dresser. The same drawer she kept her slips, chemises, panties, and all other satin, nylon, or lacy ladies undergarments. During the summer, my brother and I would run to that wondrous drawer when... Read full Story