Free Stories

Kristy a travaillé pour Le Matriarcat. Cela semblait plus officiel que ça ne l'était vraiment. Comme si c'était un "Nouvel Ordre Mondial". C'était en fait un club dirigé par des femmes spécialisées dans certains services que les hommes paient grassement. Cela pourrait être appelé prostitution selon ... Read full Story
*Clac* *Clac* *Clac* Le bruit de mes talons sur le carrelage de la cuisine me distrayait juste au moment où j'avais besoin de me concentrer. Ma femme, ou Maîtresse Vicky comme je dois l'appeler désormais, m'avait laissé pas mal de corvées à faire aujourd'hui. Je venais de finir de... Read full Story
Ma femme, Jill, était à Denver pendant douze jours pour assister à un séminaire médical pour les chirurgiens plasticiens et ne devait pas revenir avant quelques jours. En raison de son travail, elle assiste à plusieurs séminaires, à l'intérieur et à l'extérieur de l'État, parfois un jour ou plusieur... Read full Story
Jack avait une très grosse bite. Je sais juste qu'il l'a fait. Pour être honnête, je ne l'ai jamais vraiment découvert. Mais j'ai fantasmé sur lui, me faisant tenir sa bite dans ma main, m'apprenant à la téter, à caresser sa dureté avec ma langue, à sentir le bout de sa bite caresser mes amygdales, ... Read full Story
e me suis transformé en un fétiche de travestissement de poule mouillée de Tumblr à l'époque. J'avais l'habitude de m'habiller avec la lingerie de ma femme, de regarder sissy hypno, de discuter avec des hommes. Mais j'avais besoin de plus. Donc, comme "cadeau gag" parce que je n'étais pas du tout sé... Read full Story
Je me souviens d'une époque plus simple, avant d'être ce que je suis maintenant. Malheureusement, je ne saurai jamais ce qui aurait pu être. Je ne pourrai jamais revenir en arrière. Je ne pourrai jamais revenir à ce qui était autrefois. C'était il y a seulement 2 ans. Je suis Harvey. J'étais à l'... Read full Story
Il y a un claquement, puis "Réveillez-vous !" J'ouvre lentement les yeux. Je me sens étourdi, confus. Je suis assis sur un lit, et dans un fauteuil gris devant moi, une jeune femme est assise. Elle porte une longue robe verte et ses cheveux noirs sont coiffés d'un côté. Elle me re... Read full Story
J'étais assis dans mon appartement à New York en train de boire quelques bières en m'apitoyant sur moi-même après avoir été largué par ma copine d'université quand j'ai reçu un appel d'un vieil ami de lycée me convainquant d'assister à notre réunion de lycée de 5 ans dans un ... Read full Story
Tourmenter ⚧️ ⚧️
Sasha attendait avec impatience ces vacances en famille depuis peu de temps. L'invitation était courte mais faisable et même si elle se sentait un peu pressée à son goût, tout se passait bien. Elle adorait sa caravane. 'Glamping'... camping glamour... convenait à son idée du confort e... Read full Story
Je n'ai jamais vraiment compris pourquoi je ne semblais tout simplement pas m'intégrer. 22 ans, un récent diplômé du secondaire, une apparence décente. Juste douloureusement mince. La plupart des gars que je connaissais au lycée semblaient appartenir à une sorte de groupe. Athlète, érudit ou... Read full Story
"Ok bébé, ferme les yeux", as-tu dit en embrassant le corps de ta petite amie. Vous avez pincé sa clavicule et traîné vos lèvres le long de la courbe d'un sein, vous arrêtant pour sucer et tirer sur son mamelon jusqu'à ce qu'il sorte de votre bouche de manière satisfaisante. Elle gémit doucement, to... Read full Story
CAROL « Vous n'êtes pas vraiment un homme, n'est-ce pas ? dis-je à Bernard. J'étais en colère et j'ai injustement blâmé mon mari après avoir appris que son nombre de spermatozoïdes était faible, ce qui expliquait notre incapacité à avoir des enfants. Je voulais un bébé et le temps tournait. Dans ... Read full Story
"Hey bébé, quand est-ce que tu rentres à la maison?" le message texte bourdonnait doucement. Sortant discrètement le téléphone de ma poche, je tape "Même heure que d'habitude, juste après 5 heures, pourquoi... quoi de neuf ?" C'est mon amante Sarah, ma meilleure amie et une femme que je connai... Read full Story
Alex prenait des notes à son bureau pendant que la classe Zoom jouait en arrière-plan. L'enseignement en ligne était difficile pour rester concentré et motivé et le seul moment où il le pouvait était pendant les cours. On frappa à la porte de son unique appartement, juste assez fort pour attirer son... Read full Story
"Asseyez vous Robert", m'a demandé Mme Conley. C'était une femme plutôt grossière et autoritaire qui s'en sortait pour 50 ans, je dirais. J'ai fait ce qu'on m'avait dit et j'ai attendu qu'elle - une responsable principale des réclamations à la bourse du chômage où j'ai "signé" pour réclamer mes allo... Read full Story
« Oh, allez ! » Je gémis, cherchant frénétiquement le fond de mon sac à main. « J'ai mis ces connards ici il y a deux secondes ! Cela m'a pris encore quelques minutes angoissantes, mais finalement, j'ai trouvé les clés de ma maison. D'une manière ou d'une autre, j'avais réussi à déchirer la doubl... Read full Story
Latex succubus
The lights of the city obscured the supposedly brilliant starlight in the night sky, leaving only dim and scattered scattered stars adorning the gloomy night sky half-covered by dark clouds, and the crescent-like crescent moon guarding it in the distance makes the night seem less empty Lonely. Mayb... Read full Story
Forcé d'être femelle
La dernière chose dont je me souvenais était de sortir de la banque et de traverser la route vers ma voiture. Je venais juste de voir mon directeur de banque pour discuter du transfert d'argent d'un de mes comptes vers un compte d'épargne à intérêt élevé. J'avais gagné pas mal d'argent à la Loterie... Read full Story
OH, FRERE! ⚧️ ⚧️
C'était le début de la séance avec le psychiatre. La femme aux cheveux argentés avec de petites lunettes de lecture à monture écrivait déjà dans son carnet. J'ai admiré son choix de mode d'un élégant tailleur-jupe gris avec un chemisier blanc. Ses simples escarpins noirs étaient élégants et montraie... Read full Story
Mettons les choses au clair. Je ne suis pas gay, pas une poule mouillée ou un pédé, je suis un hétérosexuel normal de 30 ans, d'accord ! Alors pourquoi vous demandez vous si j'écris ceci vêtue d'une robe bleu foncé, de bas noirs avec porte-jarretelles, d'une culotte bleu clair avec un motif à pois b... Read full Story
My Dream Cums True
Me and my girlfriend would always talk for hours about our secrets and feelings and as the night would progress we would get into more sexual subjects but this night would change our lives forever..... ''so what's a sexy secret you have that no one else knows about?'' I asked my girlfriend. ''... Read full Story
Mardi J s'est levé tôt, je pouvais l'entendre se déplacer évidemment à la recherche de son étui, il ne le trouverait certainement pas comme je l'ai fait pendant que son attention était détournée pour le déposer sur le côté du bateau, cela signifiait les seuls vêtements qu'il avait... Read full Story
Becoming Her Whore
"I know," my wife Casey said softly as her hands caressed my naked body beneath the covers of our king sized bed. "You know what?" I asked. I didn't know what game we were playing but I was ready to fuck. "I know what you look at on the computer and what you fantasize ... Read full Story
Fun With Friends Chapter 4
As I stepped into the shower the warm water hit my body and felt great. I relaxed my ass and let Greg's cum stream down my leg. I could not believe that in the last couple of hours I had been shown to one of my best friends as a cross-dressing slut and had now taken his cum in both my ass and mo... Read full Story
Claudia Coming out adventure part 1
*Author's Note: This story starts off being told in First person and after awhile the story shifts to third person* Hello everyone, my name is Claudia I am a Cross dresser who one day hopes to be transgendered, although I do not want the surgery, I am looking to eventually live my life full... Read full Story
P.A. for a Day
The gates swung closed behind Charles as he slowly drove his car up the sweeping driveway. Even though he was looking forward to the erotic delights which were in store for him that day, the cares of the world seemed to weigh heavily on his shoulders. As he drove up to the garage he mused about t... Read full Story
The Meeting
He could not believe that he was finally going to see her after all these years. Since his divorce, she had been all he could think of. He fantasized every day how it would be to see her again, make love to her again, and now the day had finally arrived. He could barely sit still. He had decided... Read full Story
TGirl Initiation by 3 BIG BLACK 12
In my teen years I was often told that I was quite feminine.The high school punks always told me that I filled out the back of my jeans in a girly way. After taking a shower one day I did notice that they were right, I had a nice white bubble butt. Not to mention that my lips were also quite girly. ... Read full Story
White fuckslut Tgirl & 3 BIG BLACK COCKS Initiation
You lucky, slutty BBC Tgirl fuckslut, I envy you soooooo much. This is the most erotic and best BBC story on this web site. Pleeease keep writing about your BBC fantasies. What a bargain to get gangbanged by about 30 big black studs for only 15 Euros. I loved it when you begged them to fuck you.\r\n... Read full Story
What Lies Beneath (Part 2)
A RENDEZVOUS WITH SUZY – What Lies Beneath (Part 2) We woke in the morning, showered and dressed before going down to make breakfast. Mia must have planned this all with the girls in advance because she had packed a small suitcase with some day clothes for us both. The sun was streaming throu... Read full Story
tiffanylondontv becomes a captive slave prisoner and whored out
I had connected with Master X on a BDSM Fetish contact site. He was the owner of a fetish store and he said that he had been on the BDSM for several years. He had carefully studied my own profile and had seen that I had an immense interest in being used like a slut, being covered head to toe in... Read full Story
The Training of Maria Louise
Chapter 1 I’ve decided, since you’ve told me you want to be a little dirty tart, that I should punish you by being a cuckold, someone who’s wife is unfaithful. We will begin by transforming you into Maria, we will apply your make up and dress you in white silk underwear, a nice ... Read full Story
Darling Nikki
Chapter 1 - The Setup "I'm going to catch him!" Samantha thought to herself as she looked at her disheveled panty drawer. She now had proof that her roommate, Nick, had been wearing her clothes, but had to catch him in the act. She did a search online for ideas on how to catch him. She ... Read full Story
Deep trouble
I'm at a bar, it must've been a weeknight because it was sparsely crowded. I'm having a few drinks (more than a few but), there is music playing, people are kinda dancing. This beautiful blonde about maybe 5'7'' comes in all alone. Sexy little thing with big dick sucking lips, huge breasts squashed ... Read full Story
A Great Cocky Owner
Immobilized, that's what I was. Although I did not know for exactly how long. My wrists and ankles were tightly shackled, and I was unable to see or speak because of the tight latex hood that had been put over my head. Nevertheless, I still managed to make out through the heavy gauge rubber the &... Read full Story
Teasing BIG BLACK COCKS at truck stops
I'm a white blonde bubble butt Tgirl living in Las Vegas and sometimes I go out and cruise the truck stops on I15 down south to I10. I do it at night and sometimes for a whole weekend in my mini van which has darkened windows. I love to get out of my mini van and walk around the back parking row at ... Read full Story
PRISE ⚧️ ⚧️
J'ai toujours voulu aller à Paris. Mais c'est Emma qui m'a persuadé d'arrêter de tergiverser, d'oublier tous les risques évidents du voyage et de le faire. Cependant, alors que la voiture de covoiturage que nous avions réservée nous conduisait depuis l'aéroport, j'avai... Read full Story
Alex se réveilla en sursaut. Il regarda son réveil et nota avec chagrin qu'il était 6h30, une bonne heure avant que son alarme ne soit censée sonner. Il détestait quand cela arrivait. Il avait de nouveau fait le cauchemar. Celui où le directeur de l'école l'a forcé à porter de la lingerie maigre, un... Read full Story
Fetish party with a twist
The smell of rubber and latex and the combination of the strobe lighting was overpowering, the techno sound of the club just added to the already intoxicated atmosphere of the place. The club was a frenzy of half naked, latexed, rubberised bodies covered in sweat dancing to the frenzied sound of tec... Read full Story
James's Cum Slut Part 4; Back to Boarding School
It was back to school time and I was back in the boarding house with James. We hadn’t seen each other all summer and were eager to relight the fire. But it was going to be hard. While we shared a dorm together, it would be hard maintaining the privacy. We had both packed items from my secondary ward... Read full Story
cindy and r.sissy
I meet cindy online we organized to meet at a motel l got there first l got ready l put on my black latex half cat suit my black with red trim latex blouse l put on my red platform thigh boots l was starting to get a hard cock but lhad makeup to put on did that and a great long shoulder length blond... Read full Story
The House of Lesslie
I. The mansion hadn't changed, not all that much, from how I remembered it. If at all, it had aged gracefully, as only English mansions can ¬ a massive Edwardian building that had served Lords and Ladies, had housed masters and servants for centuries. Around it, at a respectful distance, w... Read full Story
Claudia Coming out adventure part 2
As Claudia walked out of the bathroom, her asshole continued to quiver and semen continued to drip out of her asshole and she was craving for more cock. She went up to the bar and ordered a sex on the beach then after she got her drink she walked over to the dance floor where she met another trans ... Read full Story
CD Fantasy: Forced to be feminized
It started that my girlfriend asked me if I would wear a female outfit for a day inside the house on a weekend. She said it turns her on if I would do that. I agreed and one Sunday she had several closing items laid out for me. Pantyhose, a minidress, very high heels and a long hair wig. She asked m... Read full Story
Smoking ladyboy in latex indulges my fantasies
Our reader, Matt J, have recently visited Pattaya and, as you can see from his story, it was a very fruitful visit! He had a petite ladyboy Lo spend a night with him during which he came countless times, and now he says he'll be coming back for more. Who wouldn't? ;) I recently indulged a few of ... Read full Story
Devastating and dominating
Tracy drove the black SUV with her friend Miss K in the passenger side, both of them struggling not to be bored to sleep with the monotonous countryside I-64, the scenery broken up only by the occasional road sign or truck stop. The Madonna CD thumping in the stereo helped matters though, the t... Read full Story
Cassandra Chapter 2
The days and weeks seemed to fly by. My new position at Barnes and Bidwell was a dream come true. It provided me with a cute income to cover my personal expenses (Melissa took care of most everything), exactly fit my bubbly, flirtatious personality, and offered me unlimited opportunity to meet - and... Read full Story
My shemale GF Part 2
So today she, her name is Christy, she wanted to do something kinky, very kinky I said that's fine. We cleaned up, she went into her closet, which was filled with dildos, butt plugs, sexy clothing, fleshlights, cock rings, paddles, lube, videos, magazines, bdsm things, and a fuck machine. She came o... Read full Story
Darla's Video Delight
The day had gone well so far with my girlfriend of the time having just left the night before, going out of state for two weeks visiting relatives. It was Saturday so I didn’t have to work, I had completed my chores... shopping, cleaning the apartment and doing laundry and had spent the aftern... Read full Story
A night out with Tamanna
We had been chatting online for a few weeks , when Tamanna said she would love to come it with me. The doorbell rang at my flat and I wobbled on my stripper shoes to the door. The butt plug Imwas wearing made me squeeze my ass cheeks together and gave me a wiggle in my black latex dress to die for... Read full Story
Crossdressed Lana - Hannover, Germany
Crossdressed Lana - Hannover, Germany Very Sexy & Compliant Sub-Slut Is Searching For Kinky BDSM Live-Dates At Hannover, Germany!!! I Am Bisexual And Want Men, Woman, Couples And Trans For Outdoor, Swingerclub, Porncinema And Public Sex. I Love To Wear Very Hot & Sexy Clothes Like Lingerie, Stoc... Read full Story
He Cum In His Pants
I was at a party with my friend who is also a Crossdresser and there was a lot of straight guys at the party I was dancing in a room with a lot of people I was wearing my black shiny latex dress and a guy started dancing with me I seen him with another girl before and I asked him was that your girlf... Read full Story
Daddys Little Slut
I have been living with my dad for the last year after my mum who is Indian, found out that I was doing lots of drugs, and that I was bi and also a cross dresser. We never talked about it as for me, the cross dressing was on and off and usually when i was high. When i turned 25, I tried meth, and fo... Read full Story
My best friend turned I fucked him - Part 1
Theres a bit of history to this one so strap in! I started hanging out with this group of kids in my area when I was 12 years old, we did all the typical stuff you can imagine young kids getting up to (played football, chased girls etc...) over the years I became really good friends with one of the ... Read full Story
Il a finalement pris rendez-vous chez les médecins pour l'examen de la prostate. Sa femme le harcelait depuis des jours, après qu'un de leurs amis eut récemment reçu un diagnostic de cancer de la prostate. En entrant chez les médecins, il a dit qu'il était ici pour un examen réservé p... Read full Story
"Avez-vous pris votre vitamine, ma chère ?" Ellen a appelé de la salle de bain. Je me frottai le sommeil des yeux et ramassai le flacon de pilule, roulant un gros comprimé dans ma paume. "Ma pilule de cheval ? Je le fais maintenant." "Avez-vous déjà remarqué une différence ?" "Non. Les vitamines ... Read full Story