Free Stories

Kristy a travaillé pour Le Matriarcat. Cela semblait plus officiel que ça ne l'était vraiment. Comme si c'était un "Nouvel Ordre Mondial". C'était en fait un club dirigé par des femmes spécialisées dans certains services que les hommes paient grassement. Cela pourrait être appelé prostitution selon ... Read full Story
Les choses allaient si bien.... Après un long et misérable quart de travail, Steven rentrait enfin chez lui. La plupart des gens détestent faire la navette, mais Steven trouve que la demi-heure de route est un moyen idéal pour se détendre avec un livre audio ou un podcast. Dernièrement, cette pet... Read full Story
"Avez-vous pris votre vitamine, ma chère ?" Ellen a appelé de la salle de bain. Je me frottai le sommeil des yeux et ramassai le flacon de pilule, roulant un gros comprimé dans ma paume. "Ma pilule de cheval ? Je le fais maintenant." "Avez-vous déjà remarqué une différence ?" "Non. Les vitamines ... Read full Story
Comment sissy apprend à aimer le goût du sperme
La plupart des poules mouillées veulent entretenir une bite et apprendre à la prendre dans leur précieuse petite chatte de poule mouillée. Ils ont aussi besoin de goûter, voire de manger, le sperme. Bien sûr, comme toute autre chose dans la vie, cela nécessite une formation. Manger du sperme conc... Read full Story
"Qu'est ce que je fais ici?" Ce n'était pas la première fois que Max se posait cette question ce soir. Il détestait les rassemblements avec beaucoup de monde, il détestait les fêtes et il détestait particulièrement les soirées costumées. Et pourtant il était là. Pas seulement lors d'une soirée costu... Read full Story
Le rêve est mort. L'écriture était ma passion, mais cela n'a jamais servi à rien. La réalité a une mauvaise façon de vous rattraper, déchiquetant vos désirs dans son sillage. Ce cycle d'épargne et de vie de ces économies s'est progressivement révélé intenable et maintenant, à vingt-cinq ans, j'ai... Read full Story
L'argent était difficile à trouver dans notre foyer. Être l'aînée de quatre enfants et ma mère étant une mère célibataire mettent nos ressources à rude épreuve. Nous avons rarement eu de l'argent supplémentaire dans notre famille à dépenser pour des choses comme manger au restaurant ou aller au ciné... Read full Story
Bikini garçon
J'étais le garçon que mon père avait espéré après 3 filles avant moi. La vie dans notre maison à deux étages de la classe moyenne de banlieue était aussi normale que celle de n'importe qui d'autre. Mon père était un père aimant qui m'élevait et faisait les choses qu'un père aime faire avec son fils ... Read full Story
J'ai toujours aimé la lingerie féminine. De regarder des catalogues à voir des copines le porter, j'ai adoré le look et la sensation de la lingerie sexy et soyeuse, mais pour moi, cela a toujours été plus profond. À 18 ans, j'ai essayé ma première paire de culottes, oh mon Dieu, c'était merveilleux ... Read full Story
Nous étions mariés depuis quatre ans lorsque ma femme a pris un nouveau travail, elle allait être la directrice d'une nouvelle maison de courtage d'assurances dans notre ville mais a dû passer quelques semaines d'orientation et de formation au siège social à 180 milles de là avant qu'elle pris la re... Read full Story
Lisa Une fille timide de 20 ans avec de longs cheveux, de beaux seins, une chatte humide et un gros secret sous la forme d'une bite géante. Elle a vécu une vie protégée mais est bientôt en route vers un nouveau monde de sexe lesbien. Marie Médecin de plus de 40 ans spécialisée dans les ... Read full Story
Mes séances de milking,
Mes séances de milking. Passant la journée à la maison, je m'installe devant ma coiffeuse pour me maquiller et ajuster ma perruque. C'est toujours avec la même fébrilité que j'enfile mes dessous: guêpière, nuisette, culotte fendue, bas et talons aiguilles. Je prends aussi du plaisir à placer ... Read full Story
Linda s'est arrêtée à la maison de banlieue. Elle a dû se garer dans la rue car elle était déjà pleine de voitures. Elle le savait déjà, puisqu'elle était en retard, et qu'elle allait rencontrer cinq autres ménagères. Ils avaient tous des filles du même âge que sa fille, et maintenant qu... Read full Story
Madame Margot Elizabeth Stott était l'objet de mes désirs, des désirs très secrets ; désire que je n'aie jamais eu l'intention de la laisser - ou qui que ce soit d'autre - le découvrir. Mme Margot Elizabeth Stott avait, au moment où je l'ai connue pour la première fois, environ 45 ans, peut-être ... Read full Story
Nicholas a sorti son téléphone et a pris une dernière photo de sa maison. Nicolas emménageait dans une nouvelle maison aujourd'hui. Nicholas était un garçon de 18 ans, il était le plus petit et le plus maigre de l'école, il gardait ses longs cheveux blonds. Il n'était pas bon en sport et n'a jamais ... Read full Story
Kyla essuya la sueur de ses yeux, puis essuya le liquide de sa main, tout en s'appuyant sur son balai. Ce putain de jour était trop chaud, bien trop chaud. Elle regarda autour d'elle : le vestiaire vide était complètement immobile, attendant patiemment d'être nettoyé, son air saturé de l'odeur de... Read full Story
Dani avait placé le grand bol de chips tortilla au milieu de la table et recula pour admirer l'effet. Les bols de bretzels, de frites et de sauces diverses étaient astucieusement disposés à ses yeux, mais Dani savait qu'il perdait son temps. Entre le match NBA sur l'énorme téléviseur de Keyshawn et ... Read full Story
Whitney's Way
My arms were stretched over my head as I finished hanging the last sheet of drywall. Another step closer to the end of the two year process of renovating our first house, it was hard to conceal my sense of pride at turning a worthless wreck into the nicest place on the block. But as soon as I heard ... Read full Story
Hermaphrodite gang bang park
INTERSEX GANG BANG THIS STORY IS 80% TRUE. I DID NOT CHANGE VERY MUCH OF IT I'm intersex. The medical term used to be “Hermaphrodite.” They even distinguished a “True Hermaphrodite” from “Pseudo Hermaphrodite.” A “True Hermaphrodite has an &ldquo... Read full Story
Darling Nikki Part 2
Chapter 1 - The Morning After The next day, Nick awoke thinking it was just a really messed up dream. When he got out of bed and found that Samantha had unlocked and removed the dress, panties and shoes, but everything else was still on, he was pulled right back to reality. He looked in the mirro... Read full Story
On the Run
“Your first mistake was stealing hundreds of thousands of dollars from me. Your second mistake was thinking you could get away with it.” As I stood trembling before his desk, Mr. Atwater regarded me as if I were a bug on the windshield of his Lexus. “Do you have anything to say for... Read full Story
Camming Down the Rabbit Hole Ch. 07
Opening my eyes I struggled a little as the residual cum on my face from last night’s show hadn’t been fully wiped off, I felt the dry and crusty leftovers crinkle on my skin, but couldn’t help but smile to myself as I remembered how it had got there. The intensity of that orgasm had been on another... Read full Story
Alors que Mandy se déplaçait dans la jungle, elle réalisa qu'elle était désespérément perdue. Repoussant les branches et les feuilles, elle poussa un soupir d'agacement face à la même clairière qu'elle avait rencontrée auparavant. "Bon sang." Étirant ses bras et écartant ses c... Read full Story
« Alors, à quoi ressemblerait ta petite amie parfaite ? » « Toi », pensa Steph, regardant dans les yeux noisette avec des reflets dorés à l'intérieur. Il lui fallut quelques secondes pour se rendre compte qu'il devait répondre avec sa bouche. « Oh, euh… quelqu'un d'attentionné je suppose ? ... Read full Story
Dani regarda nerveusement son reflet dans son fidèle miroir compact. Il était assis sur le siège passager de l'Escalade noire de Keyshawn, sur le point d'entrer dans l'un des clubs les plus exclusifs de la ville. Son mascara faisait battre ses cils naturellement épais de manière attrayante, son eye-... Read full Story
💘 SES CADEAUX ⚧️ ⚧️ ⚧️
Elle lui réservait plusieurs surprises... Nous venions de rentrer du mariage d'un ami. Ils ont organisé une belle cérémonie sur un terrain de golf sous des arbres, puis une fête à l'intérieur du club house. C'était un bar ouvert et ils avaient engagé un groupe. Nous avons passé la majeure partie ... Read full Story
Jaime n'avait jamais eu beaucoup de chance avec les filles au lycée. C'était venu et reparti, et maintenant il profitait d'un dernier été avant de partir à l'université avec sa virginité intacte. Ce n'était pas vraiment sa faute, il n'était pas un salaud ou un douchebag, c... Read full Story
Son profil était assez simple sur le site. Il ne semblait rien vouloir pour lui-même, bien que je sois sûr qu'il apprécierait énormément le processus. Je suis tombé sur l'annonce lors d'une de mes nombreuses sessions en ligne de fin de soirée. Vous connaissez ceux, vous avez un peu de vi... Read full Story
MIRI ⚧️⚧️
J'étais ce que vous pourriez considérer comme l'avorton de la famille. Je n'ai jamais grandi près de la taille moyenne de notre famille. Ma mère et mon père avaient respectivement cinq dix et six quatre ans. J'avais trois sœurs aînées, maintenant adultes, mesurant environ 1,80 mètre. Je suppose que ... Read full Story
OH, FRERE! ⚧️ ⚧️
C'était le début de la séance avec le psychiatre. La femme aux cheveux argentés avec de petites lunettes de lecture à monture écrivait déjà dans son carnet. J'ai admiré son choix de mode d'un élégant tailleur-jupe gris avec un chemisier blanc. Ses simples escarpins noirs étaient élégants et montraie... Read full Story
Sex In Stilettos
Standing before the full-length bedroom mirror, I treated my reflection to an almost unjustly critical appraisal. My indecently short black leather dress clung for dear life to my every curve and went perfectly with my high heels, whorish fishnets and black leather jacket. It was the sixth outfit I ... Read full Story
A Close Encounter of the...
Another great tape and another great yank of the crank. Yea, she-males were pretty hot, Tom thought as he hit the eject bottom on the tape deck, but where on earth would he really find one? He had little doubt that if he did find a place where they hung out that there would be more than a few with a... Read full Story
Buying Time
It’s a hundred dollars to use the sex machine in the public restroom. Insert a couple of fifty-dollar coins into the payment slot to remain anonymous, though of course it’s more convenient to just let the data terminal do a neural scan and auto-debit your account. A hundred bucks buys... Read full Story
Engagement Sex
I've been with my girlfriend for over a year now and love her so much. She is cute, funny, and really sexy. We have a great time and we love to play around a little sexually, but Melissa is a conservative girl and has told me many times that she won't go all the way until we are engaged. Up until re... Read full Story
My girlfriend Tonya was out of town for the weekend. She was meeting some college friends and going shopping and carousing in the city. A typical girls' weekend. I kissed her good bye at about 4:30 pm on Friday. We had become pretty close in the year that we had been dating. She was a cute blonde wi... Read full Story
A Night Out
I was at the bar one Friday night after a long, long week at work. It was one of these weeks where at the end you tell yourself you need a drink. I was still new to this town and haven't been out that much so I went to a bar near where I live in case I decided to drink myself into a stupor. I got th... Read full Story
Fuck Me
My life had become pretty boring and my sex life non-existent. The women in my life had all proven themselves to be untrustworthy, transparent and superficial. I was taking a break from the world. I just wanted to sit at my bar stool, get drunk and smoke my Cohiba until I could drink and smoke no mo... Read full Story
Betrayed Chapter 1
She's having an affair. I couldn't ignore it any longer; the evidence was right there on my monitor that Wednesday afternoon. I had felt so... tawdry – a word I had thought I would never use – hiring the detective to follow her, follow up on my suspicions. It was as though I was betrayin... Read full Story
A Sissy (S)exercise Fantasy
I stopped going to the gym about six months ago, when money got tight and I had to find ways to reduce my expenses. I usually don't get to the gym much in the spring or summer months anyway, so it was an easy expense to cut. I hate going into the office all sweaty, so I avoid working out in the morn... Read full Story
Darren's Girl?
I'm Darren. I live in downtown Memphis. I head the IT Department in one of the corporate buildings on Second St. I don't consider myself to be the most attractive guy in the world but I don't have any trouble with the ladies. You know, I work out four times a week and run everyday but Sunday. I'm ve... Read full Story
Fender Bender Chapter 5
My name is Robert, but when I am dressed I call myself Vicki. I am 5'9" 160 pounds, blonde hair and blue eyes. I had just turned 18. Mom and my Step Dad were away on vacation leaving me home alone. The past several days I had been very lazy and sleeping almost to noon. So it was no surprise ... Read full Story
Fifi La Femme: A Pansy at Last Chapter 2
Coming Out Telling our wives wasn't easy especially for me who had seduced Shirley's gorgeous hetero husband by dressing up in my wife Doreen's lingerie and make-up and offering him full homo sex as a limp wristed effeminate lady-man. It was my first experience as a queer and when Frank asked me ... Read full Story
Becoming Alanna Part 3
We went up stairs to the kitchen and she had me start to help her ice down beer and get bottles of booze out and open. There was a large bar but I noticed not much in the way of food. I helped tidy and set up cups and get ice and then with a sudden shock to my heart the doorbell rang. As it did I ca... Read full Story
Porn Princess
They say if you are going on a journey of revenge, to dig 2 graves, one for your enemy and one for yourself. I thought I understood the meaning of that saying, but never so much as right now. My name is Dan, and at the age of 21, I had been working for nearly 2 years as a production manager for ... Read full Story
From manager to sub sissy
Cindy was a co-worker; well actually I was Her manager. Even though I was Her manger, W/we were very close friends. As a matter of fact I still consider Her my best friend. Everyone in the office was sure that we were having an affair, but we were just friends. I must admit that I would have loved t... Read full Story
Working My Way Through College Chapter 2
Saturday morning, I awoke wearing the same panties and baby doll nightie I wore to bed. If I hadn't, I might not have believed what had happened Friday night. It felt pretty good to walk around like that, so I went to the kitchen, and made some coffee. As it percolated, and as I drank it, I couldn't... Read full Story
All Right I'll Do It Chapter 3
The door closed and the four of them were gone. I stood there overwhelmed with the dried and drying cum on my face and in my hair. Dave's pee and cum was still deep inside me and my throat ached from Robert's cock. But Dave had me really scared so I decided to clean up the house as he said despit... Read full Story
Being frail and weak is a gift that not many men see the beauty of. Most consider it a punishment or something of that nature. There is another gift that many men don't see. That gift is affirmative action. Most other people lose the chance at some excellent jobs because of their race, creed, sex, e... Read full Story
Downsizing Chapter 3
Work was going quite well. The company started to grow again, and some new personnel had been hired. Even unknown to me, there had been a couple of males hired in the last few months. Ms. Stanton had informed them when she got to the dress code that the makeup was a requirement, and that the one mal... Read full Story
Proud To Be A Sissy Chapter 5
I awoke in almost total darkness, only a soft glow came into the hall from the kitchen. At first wondering where I was, my bed at home wasn't as soft as where someone, probably my new daddy had carried me after falling asleep on the floor. I shivered in delight remembering how my daddy had shared me... Read full Story
Shelley's Not a She
Her name was Shelley, she was a waitress at the local steakhouse Buck's, and she was the reason that Matt came back to the place every Friday night for dinner. Sure, the sirloin was pretty good and the chef made it a point to offer some interesting sides, but it was watching the swish of Shelley's s... Read full Story
Halloween with Movie Stars Chapter 4
Pete and Tim...first time without the girls There was a knock on the door. Pete knew it was Tim. They saw each other earlier at class and decided to get together after school. "Hey Suck Buddy," he said with a crooked grin. "Come on in." Tim returned the smile as he walked ... Read full Story
CD And Trucker
At least four things went through my mind the moment I heard Hank ask me to go along with him. - One my wife was gone for at least 2 weeks so that was no problem. - Two, with wireless connection and my laptop I could take my job on the road. - Three, I had hardly any clothes in my bag that I was ... Read full Story
A Close Encounter
Another great tape and another great yank of the crank. Yea, she-males were pretty hot, Tom thought as he hit the eject bottom on the tape deck, but where on earth would he really find one? He had little doubt that if he did find a place where they hung out that there would be more than a few with a... Read full Story
Traci the Maid
Traci had gotten a job as a maid in a rich man's house. She looked just like any blond 26-year old woman - long legs, slender waist and high size C breasts. She had a heart-shaped face and giggled at all the right times. Only Traci had a secret that nobody at her knew job knew about - she had a 6&qu... Read full Story
A surprise for John
It was a busy day at work when I got a text message from John asking what I was doing that night. I replied that I had no plans. He told me he was leaving work early, if I wanted to stop by for a lil bit I was more than welcome. I told him I would. I did want to talk to him about a small trip I was ... Read full Story