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Lisa Une fille timide de 20 ans avec de longs cheveux, de beaux seins, une chatte humide et un gros secret sous la forme d'une bite géante. Elle a vécu une vie protégée mais est bientôt en route vers un nouveau monde de sexe lesbien. Marie Médecin de plus de 40 ans spécialisée dans les ... Read full Story
« Suspendu ? Comment ça, je suis suspendu ? » dit Alina. "Je n'ai pas vraiment le choix. Zut, je pense que je suis gentil de ne pas vous dénoncer à la police. Vous l'avez mise enceinte pour l'amour de Dieu", a déclaré le principal Pulcher. "Mais je n'ai jamais été s... Read full Story
Cela ressemblait un peu à de la prostitution, mais elle était convaincue que c'était le seul moyen pour elle de payer ses études. Elle était assise dans un bureau chic, à côté d'une femme professionnelle bien habillée. Sa famille n'était pas aisée et la seule option pour payer ses étu... Read full Story
Alex mordilla sa lèvre en fixant le test d'anatomie devant lui. Après une semaine épuisante de finales et de sessions d'étude nocturnes, c'était enfin son dernier test. La liberté était si proche qu'il pouvait presque y goûter. Sa jambe rebondit anxieusement alors qu'il remplissait une autre série d... Read full Story
Le rêve est mort. L'écriture était ma passion, mais cela n'a jamais servi à rien. La réalité a une mauvaise façon de vous rattraper, déchiquetant vos désirs dans son sillage. Ce cycle d'épargne et de vie de ces économies s'est progressivement révélé intenable et maintenant, à ving... Read full Story
Le rêve est mort. L'écriture était ma passion, mais cela n'a jamais servi à rien. La réalité a une mauvaise façon de vous rattraper, déchiquetant vos désirs dans son sillage. Ce cycle d'épargne et de vie de ces économies s'est progressivement révélé intenable et maintenant, à vingt-cinq ans, j'ai... Read full Story
Scarlet soupira profondément en regardant les images de surveillance. Avec un doigt fatigué faisant défiler plusieurs pages de néant, juste des étudiants qui passaient leur journée, elle était sur le point d'arrêter et de se faire virer. Par nécessité, cela était devenu sa routine quotidienne, e... Read full Story
Kyla essuya la sueur de ses yeux, puis essuya le liquide de sa main, tout en s'appuyant sur son balai. Ce putain de jour était trop chaud, bien trop chaud. Elle regarda autour d'elle : le vestiaire vide était complètement immobile, attendant patiemment d'être nettoyé, son air saturé de l'odeur de... Read full Story
Les choses allaient si bien.... Après un long et misérable quart de travail, Steven rentrait enfin chez lui. La plupart des gens détestent faire la navette, mais Steven trouve que la demi-heure de route est un moyen idéal pour se détendre avec un livre audio ou un podcast. Dernièrement, cette pet... Read full Story
Je m'appelle Layton McGuire. Quand j'avais 22 ans, je vivais à New York et je partageais un très petit appartement à loyer contrôlé à Greenwich Village avec deux autres colocataires pendant que nous fréquentions le City College (qui est un vrai collège, pas seulement un nom générique, cherch... Read full Story
L'interview L'interphone du bureau de Jane Johnson bourdonna. "Oui, Mary," dit Jane. "Il y a une Mme Winter ici pour vous voir madame." Marie a répondu. "Par tous les moyens, envoyez-la directement." dit joyeusement Jane. La porte du bureau du principal a été ouverte par Mary et a mar... Read full Story
L'interphone du bureau de Jane Johnson bourdonna. "Oui, Mary," dit Jane. "Il y a une Mme Winter ici pour vous voir madame." Marie a répondu. "Par tous les moyens, envoyez-la directement." dit joyeusement Jane. La porte du bureau du principal a été ouverte par ... Read full Story
Sam tapota nerveusement ses doigts contre le verre à moitié plein. En règle générale, vous êtes censé boire un coup avec une gorgée, mais sa tolérance à l'alcool n'était pas exactement la meilleure et le bourbon dans la tasse servait vraiment plus de courage liquide à ce stade. Cela faisait ... Read full Story
"Alors, tu as entendu parler de Laura, n'est-ce pas ?" La voix qui demandait était suffisamment aiguë pour être ennuyeuse en soi, sans ajouter le volume odieux qui était d'environ un demi-niveau trop élevé pour l'intérieur. Au lieu de cela, je gardai la bouche fermée et m'assis devant un plateau ... Read full Story
Fantasy Oral Sex with TS Lisa Lawer
This is a pure work of fiction and has nothing truth in it. Only truth stated here is that I am very fond of shemales and addicted to Shemale photos and movies. One particular Shemale whom I love very much is Lisa Lawer, she is from Brazil. I have been a big collector of her photos and movies. I am ... Read full Story
Becoming Alanna Part 2
Walking into room number one, she told me kindly to strip nude and climb into the chair. I did as I was told and hopped in to the chair. I fit my feet and legs into the stirrups and she spread them apart exposing my cock balls and asshole. She looked me up and down and smiled "not much work wit... Read full Story
"Jonathon !" La voix de maman résonna dans les escaliers. Honnêtement, ne peut-elle pas me laisser tranquille ? Jon garde les yeux fixés sur l'ennemi qu'il est en train d'écraser sur la tête avec sa hache enchantée, et le monstre s'effondre d'un coup décapitant. ... Read full Story
Une femme attrape la grippe Futa ⚧️⚧️
Jessica étudia attentivement la recherche, la bouche grande ouverte d'incrédulité. La science derrière cela était pour le moins sommaire. Elle avait étudié la biologie à l'université et savait donc qu'une partie de cela était un fait scientifique bien connu, mais vers la fin, cela a dérivé vers l'ab... Read full Story
Summer Fun
Living with your parents is exceptionally annoying, especially when you're 26 and have a fetish for crossdressing. It kind of hampers your "need" for putting on slutty outfits and parade yourself in front of a webcam with a pink-glass buttplug up your ass and a giant rubber cock vibrating ... Read full Story
My First Cock
I always knew I really was meant to be a girl. For a while I thought I was simply gay, but I loved wearing thongs and bras. I loved masturbating while pretending my asshole was a vagina. I never made it a secret. I'm very flamboyant and girly. I still managed to have lots of friends in high school. ... Read full Story
Fem Firm 4: Pop Secret by: B-Man View Story Details Rating: XXXAdd Review Added: 11/20/2016 Complete:no Synopsis: Ruby learns a family secret which will change her life forever. Categories:Bimbo Workplace Situations Keywords:Long Finger Na... Read full Story
She Loves Dirty Talk Too
Sexy TS Girl: Hiii! How are you? Thanks for being my new friend. I have so much love forssz you, my friend. Don't hesitate to like and comment one or two photos of me that you like. We can also chat... Love, love, love you, sexy man. HardRock: I really enjoyed looking at your galleries.... Read full Story
My Favorite Trans Model Turned Me in to Her Slut
A couple months ago I was on a trip out in Las Vegas for work. We had some down time after dinner and I was pretty tired of socializing, so I went back to my hotel room to relax. I found myself pretty bored and horny, so I started watching porn and jerking off. I’m married to a beautiful woman, and ... Read full Story
Olivia grimaça alors que les sacs de courses s'enfonçaient dans ses paumes. La journée avait été longue, et l'ascenseur en panne ne lui apporta aucune joie alors qu'elle se dirigeait vers le premier des sept étages qu'elle devait gravir. Une collègue de travail avait mentionné la liv... Read full Story
Tim est entré dans la pièce de devant de la maison de son ami et a appuyé plusieurs fois sur l'interrupteur. "Hey Harley, ta lumière est éteinte", a-t-il crié dans les escaliers. "Ouais, c'est capricieux, je pense que tout cet endroit a besoin d'être recâblé. Il y a une de ces lampes sur la table... Read full Story
Certains pensent qu'une lune rouge n'est que le reflet du soleil provoquant la teinte rouge rouille et étrange. Alors que d'autres croient en une signification plus spirituelle derrière la couleur de la roche lunaire éclairant notre ciel nocturne. Ce soir, s'il y avait un moment p... Read full Story
Je me suis réveillé en me sentant comme tous les matins pendant des mois, extatique. Il n'y a pas d'autre façon de décrire ce que je ressens quand je me réveille le matin. Je me suis levé de mon oreiller, j'ai déclenché l'alarme et j'étais hors du lit en quelques secondes. Je ne ... Read full Story
My TV Sex Adventures The Nightclub Whore
The bouncer of the biggest alternative clubs in the city followed me through the 3am streets as I drove to my motel. I imagined how this big guy was going to fuck my brains out. I had just finished sucking his cock in the coat closet and was shocked that he wanted more. I figured it would be a blow-... Read full Story
A Turkish Delight Part 5
The door was now closed and in the shadows the two figures made their way toward the bed as I continued to service the ambassadors wife, her hands not letting me pull my head away for even a second. "Ah I see you have introduced yourself to the beautiful Christine my dear," Cooed the am... Read full Story
Meeting Amanda Ch. 2 - The Next Day
After a hot evening together, the story continues ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “I could really use a shower,” Amanda said while she... Read full Story
Samantha sissy TGTF
Theme and genre of the story: The genre is about gender bender, futanari, gay, physical transformations of the body, magic and biology, the kink in particular that must excite in the story is the perversion of the transformation of the body and mind through a magical element that manipulates biol... Read full Story
Le lycée est un endroit compliqué avec différents groupes de personnes qui luttent pour trouver leur chemin dans le monde. Qu'il s'agisse d'étudiants de première année qui viennent d'emménager dans un nouvel endroit inconnu et effrayant, ou de seniors qui sont maintenant de jeunes ad... Read full Story
J'aime m'habiller. J'aime beaucoup me déguiser en femme. Cela dit, je suis un homme mais pas gay. J'adore le travestissement. Je fais du travestissement depuis des années et ma garde-robe s'est considérablement développée au cours de cette période. Le sentiment tabou de porter des vêtements fé... Read full Story
My 11 Sex Bucket List and 6 Sexual Habits
My Sex Bucket List : 11 things that I want guys to do for me. Progress : 5/11, 45% 1. Upside Down Deepthroat Balls Deep - done November 2023 with a white guy 2. Blindfolded Gangbang 3. Spitroasting 4. Cum Gargle - done November 2023 with a white guy 5. Anal Creampie Eating 6. Doubl... Read full Story
Dating all whole my life
Julia and Ilya, together 10 years It was more than 10 years and 2 children ago. In December 2005, we agreed to meet at the gate of my office after a working day. I did not go out godlessly for a long time (40 minutes from the appointed time), but he still waited. I hope he does not regret it ... Read full Story
Chasseuses de trésor trans
Deux chasseuse de trésor Amy Taylor deux ami elle sont lesbiennes trans avec deux grosse bite elle adore faire l'amour mais leur dada c'est la chasse au trésor en Egypte et elle sont prise au piège dans une pyramide elle voit une porte ferme avec un trou alors Amy a une idée de sucé la bite de Taylo... Read full Story
Bethany's Secret Part 2
-3- Before beginning my story about what happened to me the week before Christmas, I should explain what had happened during the past few months. Early in my senior year of high school, I had met a gorgeous girl named Bethany who became my girlfriend. On the day of our four month anniversary, we ... Read full Story
Little tranny for old pervert
It happened not later that there was 15 days. I do not hide I'm bisexual and love as the amorous jousts with men than women. I also like the transsexuals and trav .. There was a long time that I had not played with one of these wonderful creatures. And this weekend I was lucky. I always trolling ... Read full Story
Crossdresser At XXX Movie
It was hot and the sun felt like it was going to melt me. I was walking home from work. I never drive that much and I just got off the bus for a fast beer. I walked past this XXX Movie house and thought what the fuck, it has air and it is so hot. So in I go. I should say that I'm somewhat Bi. Tha... Read full Story
A Pleasant Surprise
I really do enjoy my swing life style. Here is an example of one of those times. My lady has this friend, "G" and I wasn't to keen on her. But thank god she lives 4 hours away. I usually bail out on my lady's visits and she is cool with it. But then once my lady begged me to go with her ... Read full Story
My CD friend
I had been chatting to people on a ts chat room as I had recently become accustomed to do, when I received a private message from a local cross dresser. She asked me where I was from, how old I was etc and we found out we lived a few towns away from each other, both young guys and both really loved ... Read full Story
Emily and Steve Part 2
I was sitting at my desk with my office phone pressed against my ear, supporting myself with my left hand and trying not to fall asleep. On the other end, someone from Gooseman Paper Products droned on about terms of payment and invoice formats. It was a typical Thursday afternoon. Just then, an ... Read full Story
The Sin of Lust
"Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned." Father Jeremiah looked up from his paperwork to see Sarah standing in the doorway of his office. He cocked a brow at her, then returned to writing his next sermon. "I'm sorry, I can't help you," he said, without looking back up, "i... Read full Story
The Shop
I lunged backwards to get more of him in me. I heard him grunt as half of him slipped passed my tight sphincter muscle. The pain was in the back of my mind, somewhere but this unbelievable feeling of lust had taken over me. I looked over my shoulder (what a sight that must of been, a 18 year old ... Read full Story
Becoming the Neighbor's Wife
I like my neighbors and I am grateful for the way we look out for each other. Take Tony, the 60 year old, barrel-chested guy who lives alone in the house next to me. My garage faces Tony's house, and a couple of times last fall he came over to warn me that my garage door was left open. I thanked ... Read full Story
He got all whispery and pointed down to his crotch. I almost giggled.Then he goes "Is it true you have a dick?" I looked directly at him and told him he should put his hands downmy pants and find out. I don't know whatcame over me. I had seen the same nurse looking at me ever sincei sta... Read full Story
The Boy is A Girl Now
When I turned 16, I decided to go to a gay bar to see what the deal was. I had not been with anyone ever but I was curious and very much feminine. I stole my older brothers ID and caught the Bus to go to the Ballgame, so I told my mom. Then I wound up at the gay bar just as they opened that night at... Read full Story
My Philippine Girl
My name is Angel Smith I am a 23 year old guy with a nice toned fit body, and about a 8 inch dick and for 2 or 3 years I have been fantasying about having sex with a Shemale/Transexual. well T-Girl for short I say. I work as a construction worker and had just recently start going after my fantasy. I... Read full Story
First time meeting with another CD
I was online and a message popped up from another Cd who lived local. He was married just like me and loved dressing up. We chatted for a few days and then he asked me over to his place as his wife was working. I had a few hours spare so i packed a few things and went over to see him. when i turn... Read full Story
Training Sissygirl Part 3
Sissygirl stood, shaking a little as the tall and well-built males crowded about her soft and vulnerable body, the scent of their glistening cocks making the poor t-girl delirious; she knew she had no choice but to strip. The men stroked their cocks as the pretty sissy meekly began to remove her clo... Read full Story
Duty Bound Part 3
Hannah and the girls sat between the suited males with whom they felt reasonably secure; they did not know just how ‘secure’ they were to become. Hannah’s tight skirt and flashy red shoes made her feel exquisitely effeminate; she studied the bulge in Scott’s crotch and imagin... Read full Story
A Ski Bunny is Born Chapter 2
My first real man. Hugs and kisses to everyone who contacted Kim and I expressing how much you enjoyed our first episode. This is the second part of our life story so far, and is the first follow up to 'A New Ski Bunny is born'. It recalls the first time that Kim and I included guys in our ... Read full Story
My shemale GF Part 2
So today she, her name is Christy, she wanted to do something kinky, very kinky I said that's fine. We cleaned up, she went into her closet, which was filled with dildos, butt plugs, sexy clothing, fleshlights, cock rings, paddles, lube, videos, magazines, bdsm things, and a fuck machine. She came o... Read full Story
David to Dee Chapter 2
His nipples had grown considerably over the last two months. Gina had been putting those little nipple suckers on him twice a day. Dave wouldn't be going to the gym anymore. Well, it had been a long time since he'd gone to the gym, anyway. Since Gina had had him shave his entire body, last spring... Read full Story
The Slave and the Sissy Part 4
Pepper and I knelt on the silky sheets of the bed and studied each-other in disbelief; our cocks rigid and ready for relief. I took her sweet sissy cock in hand as I sniffed and licked at her face and neck; her skin as white and silky as the sheets. She thrust her slippery little sissy cock back and... Read full Story
T & T
My "Sister" and I have always been close growing up, we've shared "almost" every detail with each other, or so I thought. I say "Sister and Almost" very loosely, but neither have hardly any truth to them. My name is Anthony, most call me Tony, my sister's name is Terran... Read full Story