A man who lost a bet must dress as a woman and discovers he likes it.
"Pardon me, Madam," said Ed trying to hustle his shopping cart down the aisle by a very large woman. With her carriage blocking one side of the aisle, she was hunched over a shelf with her big ass blocking the other side of the aisle. When the woman turned to move her carriage out of the way and faced him, they recognized one another.
"Jake? This is a surprise," said Ed. "What the Hell are you doing food shopping here, so far away from home?"
"Oh, hi Ed. I never figured I'd see you or anyone, for that matter, out here in the boonies. I could ask you the same question. Why are you shopping way over here? Don't you usually grocery shop closer to home?"
"I do, but I had to see a client out here and I finished with him earlier than expected. Not knowing what else to do with myself, when I saw the market, I figured I'd stop and buy what I needed before getting back on the highway to go home. Besides, Carol is home hanging around in her nightgown smoking cigarettes, drinking coffee, and watching the Price Is Right. I'm not eager to go home to that. I'd rather be here than there, even if it means food shopping, if you know what I mean," he said with a laugh.
"I like this grocery store," said Jake looking around it. "It's much smaller than the superstores, but it's not nearly as crowded than the grocery stores we have back home. I can get used to shopping here. It's more enjoyable. I can actually think, while shopping."
"Yeah, I know what you mean, this place is empty. I'm enjoying food shopping for once and there was no line at the deli counter and their prices aren't bad either," said Ed. "Without being surrounded by wall-to-wall people, I feel as though I have the time to around and to look at things without being rushed, pressured and jostled."
"Yeah, the reason why I hate food shopping is the crowds and the small aisles, but this place is nice. The aisles feel so much bigger without the crowd," said Jake. "I'm not big on crowds."