A girl, maybe 22-24 years, old scoots by and smiles as she passes, I can help but notice her figure which is gorgeous in her jeans and leather jacket. She probably worked out what I was sooner than anyone else but it is not an issue for her – her smile said as much.
Similar encounters occur through the next couple of minutes or so as I walk around the corner where Sam said he would meet me. My mobile bleeps and I look at the message ‘Sorry babe running about 5 minutes late! xx’ I grin to myself – at one time I might have been in a panic but I stop and text back ‘no probs if u not there in 5 will meet you inside xx’. This girl is made of stern stuff and I re-route slightly to go and look in some shops across the road making sure I use the proper crossing – running to avoid traffic in these heels is just not an option.
I am so enjoying myself as I look in to a jewellers shop window, I can see my reflection and I like what I see – my smile is getting bigger and bigger. I finish looking and walk back across the road using a different crossing. Standing alongside some other girls waiting to cross and match their stride reasonable well as we cross. Without hesitating I note that there is no guy standing outside the pub so I just follow the same group of girls in and make way to the bar. I wait while they get their order; looking around nonchalantly noticing guys looking at my heels and legs.
My turn, “White wine spritzer please and oh! Can I have it made with lemonade not soda? Thanks!” The very pretty girl behind the bar smiles as she serves me and asks, “has it stopped raining yet?” “Yeh! Thank goodness I respond!” She must know because, although I am softly spoken, I do not try to talk in a silly squeaky voice – she doesn’t bat an eyelid – she has served me before I think.
As I rummage in my handbag to find my purse I feel an arm around me and a voice says, “Sorry I’m late Charlotte – I’ll get that!”