Yes opening his histroy file of visited web sites, I found exactly what I had been hoping for. In fact two different sites both listed as yahoo adult group sites. After typing in their URL's, I was so dissapointed discover I needed a password to hack into them. So next I started some folder investigations. Soon upon opening a sub folder cousin Rudy had named Artworks in his Documents Files, I had found exactly what I had been searching for. In all I viewed some 70 plus erotic gay cartoon pictures involving sissyboys doing all kinds of gay shit with each other or with older men. I was so entranced in viewing those pics right then, that I didn't hear Aunt Meg until she right behind me looking over my left shoulder!
"It's not polite to go snooping in other peoples private property Kevin!" she told me, as I swollowed hard trying to search for some kind of an excuse? Next Aunt Meg added, "You know if you were simply honest and open enough to have asked me about Rudy, I would have gladly told you that Rudy is really a girl trapped inside of a boys body." " When no one is around, I never call Rudy by his born male name. He much rather prefers that I call her Ruby!"
" Yes Kevin, Ruby is the little girl I always wanted to have and I love her dearly and deeply!" Now will you be honest with your aunt if I ask you some questions? As I held back building tears, I felt so cheap and so low! But not as low as I soon was going to be feeling.
"You know long before your arrival here, your mom and I had a good long talk with each other all about you. " " I know you don't have girlfreind but a gay boy you hang around with now and then!" "Why did you lie to me Kevin?" As the tears suddenly flowed down both my cheeks, I told Aunt Meg how truly sorry I was and promised her I would never lie to her every again! Somehow I felt such instant comfort as she suddenly gave me a big tight hug from behind and I felt those big soft breasts of her tightly pressing against the back of shoulders. "It's time to go pick up Ruby, please don't say anything to him or let on to things until we finish this talk sometime later on."