I laughed and rolled my eyes, wondering what in the hell, they could possibly be going on about together. Michelle laughed, sitting down beside me and nudging me playfully.
"So, are you gonna make a move or what?"
"On Bailey," she said, motioning towards the two girls.
"We've talked about this enough, I think, don't you? It's obvious that girl is into
you...she's not gonna make a move though, so you should do it."
I looked over at Bailey, still talking away with Brittany and trying to be as quiet as they could, and I sighed. Michelle was right...I had to make a move.
I couldn't be sure that Michelle was right as far as whether or not Bailey liked me that way, but the thing was, I would never know until and unless I did something about it. "Tonight," I said softly.
"I'm gonna make my move tonight."
Michelle blinked, surprised. "What? No, hey, wait!"
"Wait for what?" I asked, confused.
"Ugh, Ryan...I was just joking with you," the girl rolled her eyes. "You can't make a move on Bailey...not yet, anyway. I was just busting your nads, dude!"
"Are you fucking kidding me right now, Michelle?"
"Listen, Bailey...she's not relationship material. It's not anything personal, trust me, she just...well, she had a bad experience back in sophomore year."
"Wait, so she's been in a relationship before?"
"Of course, dummy...it just didn't end well."
"Was it someone from our school?"
Michelle hesitated, and simply nodded her head.
My thoughts started racing now, as I tried to think of who in the hell, she could have possibly dated at our school. More than that, what could have gone wrong that was so terrible, that it caused Bailey to swear off relationships all together...I had to know!
"Who was it?"
Michelle looked as though she were about to answer me, but she was interrupted when one of the guys that worked at the shop brought our pizza out and set it down on the table. Nick was off playing some Arcade game but came rushing back to the table, once he saw that the food was being served. Michelle gave me a look that said we'd talk about it later, before reaching out to grab a slice of pizza.